  • 學位論文


The Study on Usage of Satellite Navigation Fleet Management System - Application of C-TAM-TPB Model

指導教授 : 曾信超


車載資通訊(Telematics)是以汽車為核心、多方整合資通訊匯流的平台架構,結合汽車電子、消費電子、無線網通和應用服務等特色。根據研究機構IC Insights調查指出,車載資通訊系統是驅動未來汽車電子成長關鍵的應用之一,也即將成為整車車廠新車車款的標準配備。 又根據資策會產業研情報研究所MIC預估至2015年,全球車載資通訊市場規模將達211.5億美元,逐年複合成長率為26.7%,而相關應用服務市場的規模至2015年將高達316億美元。由此可見車載資通訊市場具有相當的發展潛力,而其所可能帶來的成果與產業效益是相當可觀的。 本研究主要探討台灣地區物流貨運業營業司機對於車載資通訊系統(Telematics)的採用行為,藉由結合計畫行為理論與科技接受模式(Combined TAM and TPB, C-TAM-TPB)找出影響採用衛星導航車隊管理系統的態度與意願之關鍵因素。研究透過問卷的方式蒐集資料,利用結構方程模式來檢定模式的適配度,並透過路徑分析結果,來驗證研究假說,以及潛在變數間的關連性;在適配度分析、路徑分析結果顯示,本研究模式對於車載資通訊系統產業具有一定的適用性,可以提供車載資通訊業者推行策略之參考。


Telematics’ products and services contain satellite positioning, security, surveillance, communications and entertainment, and could transmit and exchange vehicle information. The Telematics’s services and products is the trend of digital convergence and Intelligent Transport Systems. By the development of Intelligent Transport Systems in developed countries, Telematics has become one of the most important issues. Telematics is likely to become the strategic advantage for automakers to compete, due to its mobile service platform. Therefore, it is essential to discuss the factors affecting user intentions toward Telematics. The purposes of this research is to construct the user intentions model toward Telematics and apply to satellite navigation fleet management system users. The sample is designated as drivers with usage experience of satellite navigation fleet management system by a questionnaire. Then, Structural Equation Modeling is conducted to analyze data collected from 266 users and verify the hypotheses. Results of fit analysis and path analysis showed that the research model of this study fit for telematics industry.


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