  • 學位論文


Development of aircraft engine emission charge mechanisms for Taiwanese airports

指導教授 : 盧曉櫻


過去半個世紀以來,全世界工商業等各領域快速發展,給人們生活帶來便利與品質。然而;在人們享受高度發展的同時,氣候與環境的異常變化,讓我們開始思考與面對環境變化的種種原因,並設法在經濟發展與環境保護上找到平衡,達到與環境共融之永續發展的目的。環境議題的研究在全世界已行之有年,以本文所研究的航空運輸領域而言,歐洲主要先進國家在航空運輸與環境保護上則已投入數年的研究與環境保護措施。機場與飛機營運所帶來之主要環境影響不外乎噪音與空氣污染問題,而我國機場已進行飛機噪音防制費徵收多年,但針對飛航污染物並未有類似之作法 。因此,本研究將以歐洲等主要機場的空污費徵收機制為依據,並考量各主要排放物所產生的社會成本,探討適宜我國機場之飛機引擎空污費徵收機制。結果顯示,雖然引擎CO2排放量高於NOX,然而因NOX對自然環境與人體健康等影響程度較大,其單位社會成本較高,因此NOX總社會成本遠高於CO2。實例驗證結果顯示,以松山-羽田航線而言,NOX之社會成本約為每起降架次233至323歐元之間,換算為每個座位約為41至54元台幣之間;若以此為基礎徵收空污費,且航空公司將此成本轉嫁於客運票價中,則每位旅客負擔成本將約為票價之0.35%至0.46%。我國投入徵收空污費用機制,每位旅客需多負擔之最高占總票價約0.4%的空污費用,以A330-300較其他機型高;因此,未來航空公司可透過使用不同機型營運或採取燃油效率較高且污染物排放少之航空器或發動機,亦可透過替代燃油之使用,以減少空污費徵收所增加之成本,並達到污染物減量之目的。


Each industry has been blooming rapidly in the past fifty years. Thus, majority of the people have better life and greater living quality. However, while enjoying the convenience of economic development, the environmental impacts have generated along with most of the activities. In order to ensure the sustainability of the aviation industry, there is a need to find a balance between economic development and environmental damages. Of all the development related to environmental protection, Europe seems to play a vital role in the field, especially in terms of the applications of economic measures in the aviation environmental impacts generated from commercial flights. As opposed to noise charges, which have been applied at airports in Taiwan for more than a decade, no equivalent attention has been put in emissions generated from aircraft operations. The research aims at developing the aircraft engine emissions charge mechanisms for Taiwanese airports, after reviewing those charge mechanisms applied at European airports and taking into account the social costs of different aircraft emissions. The results show that the amount of CO2 emissions from aircraft operations is larger than that of NOX. However, NOX has greater impact on the natural environment and human health and results in higher social cost than CO2. Applying the Songshan-Haneda route for the empirical analysis, the social cost of NOX is estimated to be between €233 and €323 per landing and take-off. Assuming the aircraft engine emissions charges is based on this level and airlines have transferred all this extra costs to passengers, the increased cost would be around 0.35-0.46% of air fares. Furthermore, if the aircraft engine emission charges were implemented at Taiwanese airports, each passenger would then have to pay extra 0.4% of air fares as emission fees, with the A330-300 having the highest cost. Hence, airlines could avoid the emission surcharges by operating aircraft with more fuel efficiency engines or even using the alternative fuel in the long run.


3. 行政院環境保護署,環境白皮書,民國九十九年。
4. 呂怡慧、盧曉櫻,以市場措施改善航空氣污染物對環境之影響,長榮大學航運管理研究所碩士論文,民國一百年。
9. 邱翰暘、盧曉櫻,新式航空器營運對機場環境成本之影響-噪音與引擎廢氣,長榮大學航運管理研究所碩士論文,民國一百年。
10. 莊律涵、盧曉櫻,航空器與機場營運空氣污染物減量措施分析,長榮大學航運管理研究所碩士論文,民國九十七年。
12. 劉思吟、盧曉櫻,機場發展對地方經濟效益與環境成本之影響-以臺灣桃園機場為例,長榮大學航運管理研究所碩士論文,民國九十七年。
