  • 學位論文


The Service Quality and Relationship Quality of Property Management Industry on Apartment Buildings Resident Behavior Intention

指導教授 : 張慈佳


「物業管理」在台灣發展已有四十餘年,由於產業進入門檻較低,又屬勞力密集行業,對於服務品質普遍不受重視,更遑論與住戶之間關係品質的維持。由於服務品質之良窳,深切影響到住宅公共事務管理成效、居家環境的維護,以及生活品質的提升。因此,本文針對物業管理服務業在公寓大廈的服務表現及與住戶互動情形,加以探討服務品質、關係品質與住戶行為意向三者的意涵與相互間關係,分析影響物業管理服務業服務品質與關係品質的因素,以及帶給住戶未來行為意向的影響。 本文以台南地區已向台南市政府工務局報備成立公寓大廈管理委員會,戶數在100戶以上,同時有委託物業管理服務業管理維護之公寓大廈住戶為研究對象,進行抽樣問卷調查;研究資料採用描述性統計、因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等統計方法進行假設檢定。研究結果發現: (1)住戶最重視的服務品質在於物業管理服務業能「依照社區規約準時召開會議並據實記錄,按時公告相關紀錄與財務報表等資料。」之項目,這也是在知覺服務品質上評價最好的服務。 (2)住戶確實會因背景的不同,而在服務品質、關係品質的認知及行為意向上表現會有所差異。 (3)服務品質對關係品質具有顯著預測力,其中「確實性」會正向影響「信賴」、「滿意」;「關懷性」會正向影響「信賴」。 (4)服務品質僅對行為意向之「忠誠行為」具有顯著預測力,其中「確實性」會正向影響「忠誠行為」。 (5)關係品質僅對行為意向之「忠誠行為」具有顯著預測力,其中「滿意」會正向影響「忠誠行為」。 (6)服務品質會透過關係品質的部分中介效果正向影響住戶行為意向的表現。 本文依據實證結果及其影響因子作成建議,期能提供物業管理服務業、公寓大廈管理委員會與住戶,及政府單位之參考,俾使提升服務品質、有效改善關係品質,提升住戶後續正向的行為意向,同時保障住戶居住品質與生活安全。


The Property Management Industry has been developed for 40 years because of the lower barriers to enter and a labor-intensive industry. Therefore, we generally neglect to maintain the service and relationship quality between the residents and us. Since the service quality has deeply impacted on residential effectiveness of the management of public affairs, the maintenance of the home environment, as well as improving the quality of life, the research focus on the performance and interactive situation of property management services in the apartment. In order to explore inter-relationship of service quality, relationship quality and resident behavior intention, and analysis factors that affect Property Management Services and relationship quality, and affection of resident future behavioral intentions. By conducting a sampling survey, the research objects are the households which reported to establish the Condominium Management Committee form Public Works Bureau of Tainan City Government in Tainan and numbers of households are more than 100 with entrusted property management services. Research data show as descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-tests, One-way ANOVA , and regression analysis to test hypothesis. The results of the study indicated: (1)The households take “Meeting on time and factual records in accordance with the community statute as well as announcement relevant records and financial statements on time” as the most important service quality. It is also the best service which is evaluated on cognitive Service. (2)The household does perceive difference on service quality, relationship quality and behavioral intention performance cause of the different backgrounds. (3)Service quality has a significant prediction on relationship quality, among that assurance positively affects the trust and satisfaction; empathy positively affects the trust. (4)Service quality only has significant prediction on "loyalty" in behavioral intention, among that assurance will make positive affects to the loyalty. (5)Relationship quality only has significant prediction on "loyalty" in behavioral intention, among that “satisfaction” will make positively affects to the loyalty. (6)Service quality positively will impact households on behavioral intention through the mediating effect of relationship quality. Based on empirical results and influencing factors, the research provides recommendations for property management services, the Condominium Management Committee, and households and government as reference. Hope to improve service quality and relationship quality effectively, as well as enhance the subsequent behavior intention of households to protect living quality and safety life.


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