  • 學位論文


A Comparsion of Rents and Housing Quality in Student Housing between Rural Location University and Urban Location University–The Case Studies of Chang Jung Christian University and National Cheng Kung University

指導教授 : 謝博明


大學校外租屋市場由於受限於區位因素,且具有特定的需求以及供給族群所組成,因此無論在出租類型、整體的居住品質等特性,皆有別於一般租屋市場。而在這種市場特性下,大學校外租屋居住品質如何?其居住品質的好壞能否像一般租屋市場一樣,確切反映在租金價格上?且實際影響校外租屋市場租金水準與居住品質之因素為何?同時這些問題的產生在學校、區位的不同下所產生之差異為何?上述之問題皆為本研究之探討重點。 本研究之架構主要分為校外租屋市場租金水準與居住品質兩大構面,在市場租金水準方面,主要以特徵價格理論(Hedonic Price Theory)為基礎,藉由相關文獻探討,澄清影響住宅價格之實質屬性因素,並瞭解各項實質住宅屬性特徵對於校外租賃住宅租金水準之影響程度多寡;而在居住品質方面,則是透過居住品質及滿意度理論,歸納居住品質評估指標,瞭解各項指標對於校外租屋學生整體居住品質滿意度之影響程度,並比較郊區型大學及都市型大學兩類校外租屋市場之差異。 經由本研究實證結果顯示,在校外租屋市場租金水準影響因素方面,兩校之校外租屋市場皆以租屋處是否為套房、寢室面積、建築型態、以及設備提供對於租金水準具有顯著之影響,且以是否為套房對於市場租金影響程度最為顯著,顯示影響校外租屋市場租金水準之因素,主要仍以住宅之實質屬性為主。 此外,在居住品質滿意度方面,以租金價格、門窗防盜、外部環境衛生以及安全管理滿意度對於郊區之學生整體居住品質滿意度有顯著之影響,且租屋處之租金價格,對於整體居住滿意度之影響最為顯著;而租屋處之採光通風、門窗防盜、租金價格、車位停放等滿意度則對於市區之租屋學生具有顯著之影響,並以採光通風對於學生整體居住滿意度之影響最為顯著。藉由兩校比較結果顯示,市區及郊區之校外租屋學生對於租屋處整體居住環境品質之評估,主要仍以租屋處之價格以及居家安全為考量重點,而當市區之校外租屋學生對於各項居住環境品質感到滿意時,其感受程度會較郊區之學生強烈。


Due to it’s specific location and housing demand, the student housing market outside the university campus can be seen as a specific housing submarket which is different from the general rental housing market regarding rental housing type and housing quality. Under this specific market conditions, to what extent, the quality of student housing rent and what is the different of rent level between rural location university and urban location university campus areas? These questions are analyzed in this study. The structure of this study can be classified into the rent level and the quality level of student housing. With respect to the student housing rent level, a Hedonic price model is employed to estimate the influences of the determinant on student housing rents. With regard to housing quality, an ordered logit model is uses to estimate the student tenants’ satisfaction with student accommodation outside the campus. The differences of rents and housing quality conditions between different location universities are discussed. The results suggest that the housing type(whether if a suite), the room floor area and the building types and some furniture and appliances have important and significant impacts on rents between different university areas. The detached housing and bungalow have significant influents on rents in rural student housing while apartment complex has more significant impact on urban student housing. With respect to housing quality satisfaction, the rent level, security and management, neighbourhood environment and health have stronger and significant impact on student tenants’ satisfaction levels in rural student housing. On the other hand, the sunshine and wind conditions of student accommodation, the security, the rent level and the parking space have stronger impacts on urban student housing. The results indicate that the rents level and the security and management have the most important influences on student tenants’ satisfaction with housing quality in both urban and rural areas. Student tenants in urban areas have stronger feeling with neighbourhood environment conditions than those in rural areas.


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