  • 學位論文


Role of Glycogenolytic and Innate Immunological Markers during Lethal and Sublethal Sepsis in Experimental Animal Model

指導教授 : 林清淵


細菌敗血症會致命的機轉,假說很多,聚焦在一個假說:”在致命低血糖, 能否在適當時間、適當反應,決定是否存活”; MyD88獨立路徑可能使血糖利用增加,藉由MyD88獨立路徑連鎖反應後線產物的測量, 和血糖相關影響因子的分析(血糖、血清胰島素值、肝臟葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶、肝臟葡萄糖6磷酸轉送酶、肝臟干擾素-beta),找出和細菌敗血症致命低血糖的相關性因子。 試驗致病菌大腸桿菌ATCC259222的致死劑量(LD, 注射後72小時內小鼠100% 致死的最低劑量); 四十八隻BALB/c 6週齡雄性小鼠, 分為三組(控制組、近致死組、致死組), 除了控制組, 近致死組(0.1LD, 給予1/10倍致死劑量)及致死組(10LD, 給予10倍致死劑量), 腹腔內注射致病菌大腸桿菌ATCC25922, 控制組注射等體積的LB培養液。結果顯示:在次致死組血清胰島素值會逐漸的增加(第6小時、第3天、第7天)次致死組和致死組比較時, 次致死組血清胰島素值在第6小時較高, 具統計學上的差異(P<0.05);在第6小時, 次致死組(0.1LD)和致死組(10LD)都會降低肝臟葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶活性(和控制組比較的百分比, 次致死組51±32% vs. 致死組72±23 % , P> 0.05 ); 然而,在次致死組肝臟葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶活性會隨著血糖反彈增加(第3天、第7天), 次致死組在第三天增加最多肝臟葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶活性 (和控制組比較的百分比,控制組,第6小時, 100±8%;次致死組,第6小時, 51±9%; 次致死組, 第3天, 108±6%; 次致死組,第7天, 103±6%;致死組,第6小時, 72±9%); 次致死組和致死組比較時,在第6小時次致死組肝臟葡萄糖6磷酸轉送酶訊息核醣核酸較低,(和控制組比較的百分比, 次致死組32±4% vs. 致死組144±32 % ,具統計學上的差異, P<0.05);肝臟葡萄糖6磷酸轉送酶訊息核醣核酸次致死組在第七天增加最多(和控制組比較的百分比,控制組,第6小時, 100±4%;次致死組,第6小時, 32±4%; 次致死組, 第3天, 231±17%; 次致死組,第7天, 412±30%;致死組,第6小時, 144±32 %);肝臟葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶及肝臟葡萄糖6磷酸轉送酶, 在三組間有統計差異, 和敗血症動物的死亡有關係。在注射致病菌6小時, 肝臟 TRAM (MyD88獨立路徑上游),近致死組肝臟TRAM表現量比致死組要高 (368±33 vs. 29±6 %和控制組比較, P<0.05); MyD88獨立路徑中游的IRF-3 和干擾素-beta在組織免疫化學反應有相近的反應; 在肝臟西方點墨反應結果,MyD88獨立路徑中游的IRF-3以及下游的晚期NF-κB也有相似的反應。 壹、中文摘要 細菌敗血症會致命的機轉,假說很多,聚焦在一個假說:”在致命低血糖, 能否在適當時間、適當反應,決定是否存活”; MyD88獨立路徑可能使血糖利用增加,藉由MyD88獨立路徑連鎖反應後線產物的測量, 和血糖相關影響因子的分析(血糖、血清胰島素值、肝臟葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶、肝臟葡萄糖6磷酸轉送酶、肝臟干擾素-beta),找出和細菌敗血症致命低血糖的相關性因子。 總結,除了傳統的MyD88非獨立路徑,對於致命的敗血症低血糖,能否即時啟動MyD88獨立路徑、TRAM訊息核醣核酸適當表現、晚期NF-κB之磷酸化、IRF-3蛋白增加、干擾素-beta蛋白增加、使血糖利用增加,可能是細菌敗血症存活的關鍵。


We focused on the hypothesis that rebound hypoglycemia with activating MyD88-independent pathway are required for the survival of lethal hypoglycemia in sepsis. Forty-eight mice (BALB/c) were divided into three groups (control, sublethal, and lethal group). The results showed that at 6 hours sublethal dose E. coli (0.1LD) decreased blood glucose as the same as lethal dose E. coli (10LD). The blood insulin concentrations were significantly higher at 6 hours (P<0.05) in the sublethal group compared with those in the lethal group. Liver G6Pase activity levels rebounded with blood glucose at 3 days and 7 days in the sublethal group. The sublethal group induced the greatest fold increase of liver G6Pase activity at 3 days. Liver G6PT mRNA measured by realtime PCR revealed liver G6PT levels were lower at 6 hours in the sublethal group compared with those in the lethal group. The sublethal group induced the greatest fold increase of liver G6PT mRNA at 7 days. Liver TRAM mRNA measured by realtime PCR revealed liver TRAM levels were higher at 6 hours in the sublethal group compared with those in the lethal group. The sublethal group induced the greatest fold increase of liver G6PT mRNA at 3 days. These results indicated that the lethal group reduced TRAM production and subsequent expression of IRF-3 and IFN-beta proteins in liver IHC. The increase in NF-kappaB protein was accounted for by western blot in the sublethal group and compared with those in the lethal group at 6 hours. The level of NF-kappaB protein increased 6 hours through 7days progressively in the sublethal group. The increase in IRF-3 protein was accounted for by western blot in the sublethal group and compared with those in the lethal group. The level of IRF-3 protein increased progressively from 6 hours to 7 days in the sublethal group. The levels of IRF-3 in lethal group were lower than those of control group. The sublethal group induced the greatest increase of liver IFN-beta protein at 3 days. This data suggests that lethal dose E. coli reduces activation of IFN-beta. Interestingly, blood insulin decrease was synchronic with IFN-beta decrease. Finally, compared with a sublethal dose of E. coli ATCC 25922, sepsis induced by a lethal dose causes blood insulin decrease, liver G6PT mRNA expression increase, liver TRAM mRNA expression and protein decrease, liver NF-kappaB protein decrease, liver IRF-3 protein decrease, and liver IFN-beta protein decrease.


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