  • 學位論文


Optimistic Fair Exchange of Digital Signature

指導教授 : 張智超


在一企業或部門群體當中,對於訊息加密或是文件簽署的需求是相當重要的。小至印表機的列印要求,大至重要文件簽署或多數人簽名負責的需求,文件加密之重要性及機密性與日俱增。在群體當中只希望部分合法成員才能加解密其訊息,這些需求發展出了群體簽章(Group Signature)。此外,由於現有之靜態群體簽章過程,無法確保在簽署的過程中,若遇到異常發生時還能完成簽署的動作。因此我們利用樂觀式公平簽章方法[13],結合短群體簽章[5],希望能使現有短群體簽章若在雙方簽署過程中發生異常中斷時,還能確保完成剩餘的簽署過程,而且雙方能相互簽署及驗證,若需要還原身份,也只需要透過可信賴第三者(Trusted Third Party,TTP)的協助即能完成,減少TTP所擁有的群體成員訊息。


Encrypting messages or signing text is essential in daily operations of current enterprises. Depending on the importance and the secrecy of texts, group signature was developed to cope with the need for institutional contract signing rather than personal signature. In this study, we combine the technique revealed in“The Optimistic Fair Exchange of Digital Signatures Protocol”[13] which was presented by N.Asokan、Victor Shoup and Michael Waidner and the short group signatures [5] from Dan Boneh、Xavier Boyen and Hovav Shacham to ensure the integrity of signing process and reduce the level of trust group members must put on the trusted third party (TTP).


[2] B. Schneier: A Primer on Authentication and Digital Signatures. Computer Security Journal, v. 10, n. 2, 1994: 38-40
[3] Dan Boneh, Ben Lynn, Hovav Shacham: Short Signatures from the Weil Pairing. J. Cryptology 17(4): 297-319 (2004)
[4] Dan Boneh, Hovav Shacham: Group signatures with verifier-local revocation. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2004: 168-177
[5] Dan Boneh, Xavier Boyen, Hovav Shacham: Short Group Signatures. CRYPTO 2004:41-55
[6] Dan Boneh, Xavier Boyen: Short Signatures Without Random Oracles. EUROCRYPT 2004: 56-73
