  • 學位論文


Model Of Database Management of Vulnerable people for Community-based Disaster Management

指導教授 : 邵珮君


臺灣近十年來災害頻傳,而災害弱勢族群則為抵抗災害能力較正常人低的人,其中包含高齡者、障礙者、孕婦、小孩、重病患和語言不通者這些人,如能從平時掌握災害弱勢族群的資料,於災時協助避難,以減少損傷。在推動防災社區的計畫目標中認為應將防災管理制度化,結合公私部門的力量,因此,降低災害弱勢者於災害發生時之傷亡,應以災害弱勢族群為主體建置資料庫並加以運用與行政部門共享的管理模式,提供相關單位參考。 本研究係以推動防災社區之相關研究,主要以日本災害弱勢族群相關文獻歸納出社區災害弱勢族群資料庫管理模式主要的三個面向為資料庫建置、使用和維護與管理,再將此架構做為專家問卷之評估項目,利用模糊德爾菲法進行分析,由專家群體分析各準則之權重,進而得到社區災害弱勢族群資料庫管理模式之初擬架構。透過遴選之結果,由金華社區進行實證研究,訪談社區幹部和資料庫使用者與進行居民問卷調查,以了解對社區災害弱勢族群資料庫管理模式的看法,以描述性統計、次數分配和交叉分析,加以了解目前個案社區實施社區防災中對於社區災害弱勢族群資料庫的現況與課題,進而得到社區災害弱勢族群資料庫管理模式。 由問卷分析結果發現,在專家群體評價和社區實證中發現對於資料內容中的「災害弱勢者的緊急連絡人」認為是很重要的項目且在災害弱勢族群資料庫管理模式中以「村里辦公室」為主要單位;而不同處在於「資料共享方式」、「資料分享內容」、「資料庫更新時間」及「資料取得方法」這四個部份。在資料共享方式,可透過社區舉辦活動來瞭解社區對於災害弱勢族群資料庫管理模式操作情形,主要以防災地圖來進行假設性的演練,故專家和居民的看法同時進行;在資料分享內容中,社區居民認為社區本身就該掌握部份資訊,由不同屬性的災害弱勢族群認為自己想要提供的內容;在更新時間上,居民認為每年更新一次但目前社區實際操作以半年為更新時間;最後為資料取得方法,因社區居民對於隱私權是很在意的,故對於資料的提供,仍是希望是由自己本人或家屬來提供。 從金華社區居民角度得到社區災害弱勢族群資料庫管理模式,透過金華為示範性防災社區,將此模式加以應用並推廣給其它社區,作為各社區在進行災害弱勢族群資料庫管理模式之操作基準。


Many disasters take place frequently in Taiwan recently, and how to reduce human damage becomes an important issue in disaster prevention management. Physical vulnerable people are weaker to response to disaster than normal ones. When we talk about physical vulnerable people, they are including the aged people, disable ones, gravida, children, serious-disease patient, foreigner and etc.. In order to reduce damage on those who are physical vulnerable people, it is important to implement database management of vulnerable people for engaging with community-based disaster management plan. In this research, how to build database of vulnerable people in community is mainly discussed, and Jin-hwa Community is chose to do case study. The research methods include literature review, questionnaire and partial interview. Literature review is done for establish the research framework, which includes three parts: building method, management and maintenance; besides, two steps of questionnaire also implemented. The first step is to establish the main structure of database through experts, and the second step is to gather the opinions from community's residents according to the structure decided through experts' questionnaire. In order to analyze the results of experts' questionnaire and residents' ones, the Fuzzy Delphi and simple statistic method are applied here. The interview is almost implemented to gather opinions of staff or leader of Jin-hwa community to help understanding some problems which are unable to realize through questionnaire. From the questionnaire, some results are found as follows: both experts and residents thought that urgent contact person for vulnerable people is most important, and the office of community needs to take responsibility to establish database of vulnerable people. However, there are some different opinions also, which are "database sharing", "time for updating database" and "method for gathering information for database". Through the results from Jin-hwa Community, the database management of vulnerable people could be applied in any other communities to be a possible operating mode in the future.


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