  • 學位論文


Estimation and Compassion of Customer Equity of Kenting Areas

指導教授 : 鄭聖時


價值(value)可說是為企業及顧客雙方帶來雙贏局面的主要因素,企業透過價值來達到公司存在的目的─創造利潤;顧客則藉由企業所創造之價值來滿足對產品或服務的期望及效用,若顧客能以較低的成本獲得較高的利益,則價值就產生了,而價值則反映了顧客的權益,因此企業該如何創造及傳遞價值給自己的目標顧客就是企業最重要的機會與挑戰,故為本研究探討顧客權益之主要動機。 在過去許多探討顧客權益的文獻中,主要分為三種類型:第一類為,以顧客關係管理基礎建設的資訊科技工程做為研究方向,另一則為探討顧客關係管理流程的獲利性及顧客權益值的衡量,最後則為探討不同權益(品牌權益、顧客權益及關係權益等)對於企業獲利的影響。國內的文獻中,多為探討顧客權益的前置變數及各構面間的關連性為主,鮮少談及顧客權益本身的計算方式,或是有效的提升顧客權益的做法為何。另外在樣本收集上,多數研究皆以一家企業的顧客權益做探討,無法有通盤性的結論,因此本研究將把重點放在顧客權益值的計算上,並利用國民前往墾丁地區旅遊旅客做為調查對象,目的讓國內顧客權益能獲得實證且具代表性的研究結果。 本文主要參考Thomas et al.(2004)之ARPRO模型,利用交通部觀光局提供之「民國95年度國人旅遊狀況調查報告」原始資料作為本研究之樣本進行實證研究。考慮到旅客對於墾丁地區旅遊參與行為所造成的樣本選擇問題,本研究利用Heckman的兩階段估計法,估計出不同年齡層旅客旅遊總花費金額函數。實證結果顯示20~29歲年齡層之顧客權益值計算結果為最高,前往墾丁旅遊者也最多。在旅遊行為變數中以「需付費住所」對於影響顧客權益為最顯著,最後在各年齡層前往墾丁旅遊意願高低及顧客權益方面則皆有顯著差異。


“Value” is the main factor of win between firms and customers. Because firms can keep going on by creating value, and customers can get satisfaction and fulfillment from procducts or service by value that firms created. When a customer can use lower costs to get higher benefits then value will accur. The value reflects the equity of customers. So how firms creat and dilevery its value to target customers become the most important opportunities and challenges to firms. That is why our paper will study the customer equity. In the past references of the customer equity are divided into two types, one is the study of information technology constructions based on customer relationship management, the other is the study of customer equity models or the probabilities measuring on the customer relationship programs. Most of the domestics references focus on finding out the prior variables and the relationship between each dimension of customer equity, but fewer papers calculate customer equity value for real, even what programs can increase customer equity effectively. So this paper will focus on customer equity calculating, in order to get an empirical result. This paper will use ARPRO model to find out Kenting travelers’ customer equity. At first we will use Heckman’s two-stage estimation method to solve the problem of different age group’s sample selection. This can be known about travels’ behavior in Kenting of Taiwan’s citizens, if he or she will or not go to Kenting. The empirical results suggest the customer equity of 20~29 group is the highest. Total expenditures are significantly influenced by “paying stay”. 20~29 group is the most people who go to Kenting, and its customer equity is the highest. So if local industry will increase customer equity of this group, it should improve its instructions, products, and service.


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