  • 學位論文


Feasibility Study on Real-time Image Recognition for Visual Safety of the Highway Crossing Clearance

指導教授 : 蒲永仁


本研究是利用鐵路平交道之CCD影像,即時運算處理並自動判別平交道是否達到淨空,進行研發視覺安全影像處理軟體之可行性研究,以維護司機員、火車乘客和道路使用人在平交道上行的安全。 鐵路平交道意外事故常發生於行人與各級車輛闖入平交道,遭到行駛中的火車撞擊,輕者列車誤點、道路堵塞、車輛毀損或人員受傷,重者導致死亡意外,甚至造成火車出軌、殃及司機員及乘客。世界各國政府與鐵路營運公司均對鐵道安全非常重視,歷年來採取各項措施以消弭平交道意外事故的發生,頗有成效。但是從統計數字來看,事故率雖呈現下滑,卻距離根絕尚遠,平交道意外時有所聞,傷亡每每慘重,造成多少家庭的破碎與社會成本的負擔。究其原因,在於道路使用人由於各種因素闖入平交道,造成平交道未達淨空之狀況,無法在第一時間傳達給司機員,待其發覺而採取必要措施,往往為時已晚,意外就此發生。 為防止上述的平交道意外事故,本研究進行鐵路平交道淨空視覺安全影像辨識系統之先導研究,針對平交道CCD影像進行淨空辨別的可行性分析,於室內架設平交道模型板來進行多項模擬天候與影響因子的測試,將測試過程以錄影帶轉成電腦格式儲存再做分析,程式進行中以調整ROI二值化門檻值和像素值變化量等軟體內部參數來辨識出軌道上障礙物出現與否,找出最適化門檻值來增加障礙物的辨識能力以及降低障礙物誤判的可能性,以到達即時、穩定和可靠的程度,作為未來視覺安全系統開發之基礎。


平交道 影像處理 鐵道安全


This research studied the feasibility of the image recognition for visual safety of the highway crossing clearance by real-time analyzing the CCD images of the crossing. In detecting the existence of obstacles on the crossing, the safety of the engineers, passengers on the trains and the road users can be further assured. An accident of the highway crossings takes place when an approaching train collides with other intruding pedestrians or vehicles on the tracks of the crossing. The incident may cause many results of different extent including schedule behind, traffic jams, damage on the vehicles, injuries, fatalities or even derailment of the trains. The government and railroad companies all over the world pay much attention to the railway safety and take measures in many aspects to prevent any incident on the crossings. The accident rate is decreasing according to the statistics, but still far from the extermination that we are pursuing. An accident on a highway crossing often causes many casualties that leave miseries to their families and society. The cause of the incident is mostly on the fact that the emergency of vehicles stuck for some reason on the tracks of the crossing can not conveyed to the engineer of the train immediately. Until the engineer realizes the situation, everything is too late. In order to avoid the foregoing accidents we conducted a preliminary research on developing the visual safety system on the highway crossing. We studied the feasibility to recognize if the crossing was clear of obstacles through the processing of CCD images. We constructed a crossing miniature on which the simulations were conducted under various illumination and other influencing factors. These experiments were videotaped, digitized and analyzed subsequently through our image processing program in which the obstacles would be distinguished as possible by adjusting the thresholds of ROI image binarization as well as the number of varying pixel values. Both thresholds regarded as the software parameters were optimized to increase the ability of obstacle recognition and to reduce the possibility of mistakes. The results showed that the optimal threshold of the binarization was found to be 80 and the optimal one of the number of varying pixel values was 1500 to determine the presence of obstacles. Our visual safety program gets to the extent of real-time, stable and dependable and will be one of the most important bases in developing the future visual safety system.


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[1]朱弘榮,“平交道設備簡介與安全宣導”。民國96年5月12日,取自:http:// service.tra.gov.tw/tw/forms/shownews.aspx?SN=2940&Mode=D1


