  • 學位論文


A Study on Solving One Dimensional Residual Cutting Stock Problem with Periodic-time and Consecutive Stochastic Orders

指導教授 : 周信宏




In this thesis, we consider One Dimensional Residual Cutting Stock Problem with Periodic-time and Consecutive Stochastic Orders. Stock cutting is treated as a routing process in a factory in which orders in consecutive time periods (daily, weekly or monthly) need to be fulfilled while obtaining certain company goals such as minimal trim loss, minimal costs, etc. In this model, exact demands for future orders are not available in advance. The partly utilized and useful stock lengths left after fulfilling current order, called non-standard materials, are stored and used later. The goal is the reduction of trim loss and costs over a broader time period. To sort out a partly utilized stock length as a trim loss is decided by a threshold value. It means that if a partly utilized stock length is shorter than the threshold value, it will be treated as trim loss; otherwise it will be stored as a non-standard material. In this research, we propose a heuristic genetic algorithm to estimate the best threshold value which derives minimal cost.


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