  • 學位論文


Comparisons of Heavy Metal Exposure for Workers in High-Tech Parts Manufacturing Plants Between Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits

指導教授 : 吳俊德


本研究針對台灣及中國上海地區某兩家高科技設備及零組件製造廠,以氬焊及CO2電焊負責焊接工藝的作業勞工,進行金屬燻煙中(錳、鎳、鐵、鉛、鉻、鋅)等金屬成分暴露測定和評估。研究中將台灣及中國上海地區廠區內電焊作業勞工列為暴露組,針對暴露勞工(台灣)以IOM採樣器(內附25 mm MCE濾紙)實施作業環境定點空氣採樣和個人呼吸區帶採樣,並於採樣當天進行作業勞工上下工尿液樣本收集;對兩個地區廠區內的行政人員作為非暴露組,針對非暴露員工實施尿液樣本收集。所有收集樣本前處理後,分別以原子吸收光譜儀器(Varian AAS 220FS, Australia)使用石墨或火焰原子化器(graphite or flame tube atomizer),進行錳、鎳、鉻、鉛金屬濃度測定。尿液樣本並進行肌酐酸測定,以瞭解尿液樣本是否異常。於暴露採樣實施同時,觀察紀錄現場作業勞工的作業狀況、是否具有有效通風設施、是否佩戴防護用具等暴露影響因素。以問卷詢問每位電焊作業勞工個人基本資料,包括:年齡、工作年資、生活習慣、身體狀況等,作為暴露評估探討參考。本研究共獲得電焊作業勞工(暴露組)台灣廠7人、上海廠9人;行政人員(非暴露組)台灣廠36人、大陸廠41人,台灣電焊作業環境33個區域採樣空氣樣本、39個個人暴露測定樣本;電焊勞工尿液樣本(暴露組)台灣廠69個、上海廠46個;廠內行政人員(非暴露組)尿液樣本台灣廠36個、大陸廠41個。測定結果發現:(1)暴露組尿液樣本金屬錳、鎳、鉻、鉛的平均濃度台灣廠分別為42.49、12.44、26.03、146.66?n?慊/L,上海廠分別為66.67、13.64、31.71、177.86?n?慊/L;(2) 非暴露組尿液樣本金屬錳、鎳、鉻、鉛的平均濃度台灣廠分別為34.79、9.65、13.11、106.63?n?慊/L,上海廠分別為58.24、8.28、27.13、102.69?n?慊/L,台灣非暴露組勞工錳和鉻明顯低於大陸非暴露勞工,但鎳和鉛非暴露組勞工則平均濃度相近似。台灣及大陸電焊作業勞工尿液中金屬含量明顯高於一般非暴露族群,而台灣電焊作業勞工各金屬暴露均低於大陸電焊作業勞工,此可能與作業項目、作業工法、作業頻率等因素的差異有關。


In this study the workers involving in the operations of welding with shielding gases CO2 and N2 in two high-tech parts manufacturing plants of Taiwan and Shanghai will be recruited for exposure measurements and assessment of metal fume. The exposure measurements mainly include the metal components of the metal fume include manganese, nickel (Ni), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn). The welding workers are designed as the exposure group. Institute of Occupational (Taiwan) Medicine (IOM) samplers with 25 mm mixed cellulose ester (MCE) filters will be used to take fixed-point samples of environmental air and personal breathing zone samples of exposure workers. The urine samples of the exposure workers will be also collected. The administration workers of the plant will be also recruited as the non-exposure group. The urine samples of the non-exposure workers will be also collected. All the collected samples after sample pre-treatment will be analyzed for Mn, Ni, Cr, and Pb by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) equipped with a graphite or flame tube atomizer. The creatinine in the urine samples will be measured to detect the abnormality of the samples. At the same time of the exposure sampling, the exposure modification factors including the practices of the workers, the effectiveness of the ventilation equipment, the usage of personal protection equipment, etc. will be observed and recorded. The basic information of the demographic characteristics of the workers including age, work years, life habits, health status, etc., will be collected as the reference of exposure assessment. In this study, a total of 7 and 8 welding workers (exposed group) were recruited from Taiwan and Shanghai plants, respectively; 36 and 41 administration workers from Taiwan and Shanghai plants participated in the study as the non-exposed group, respectively. The numbers of urine samples collected from the welding workers were 69 and 46 for Taiwan and Shanghai plants, respectively; the numbers of urine samples collected from the non-exposed group were 36 and 41 for Taiwan and Shanghai plants, respectively. The results of the urine measurements found that: (1) the concentrations of the Mn, Ni, Cr, and Pb for the workers of the exposed groups were 42.49, 12.44, 26.03 and 146.66 ?n?慊/L for the Taiwan plant as well as 66.67, 13.64, 31.71 and 177.86 ?n?慊/L for the Shanghai plant; (2) the concentrations of the Mn, Ni, Cr, and Pb for the workers of the non-exposed groups were 34.79, 9.65, 13.11 and 106.63 ?n?慊/L for the Taiwan plant as well as 58.24, 8.28, 27.13 and 102.69 ?n?慊/L for the Shanghai plant. The concentrations of Mn and Cr in the urine samples of the Taiwan’s non-exposure workers were lower than those of the China’s non-exposure workers, but the concentrations of Ni and Pb in the urine samples of the non-exposure workers for both Taiwan and China were quite similar. The metal concentrations of the welding workers of both Taiwan and China were significantly higher than those of the non-exposed workers. The metal concentrations of the Taiwan’s welding workers were lower than those of the China’s welding workers. The factors associated with the differences of the metal concentrations were related to the differences in the work tasks, welding methods, work frequency, etc. between Taiwan and Shanghai plants.


行政院勞委會 《勞工安全衛生法》
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