  • 學位論文


The Translation and Commentary of China Rising: Will the West Be Able to Cope?

指導教授 : 李憲榮


本論文旨在翻譯China Rising: Will the West Be Able to Cope? : the real long-term challenge of the rise of China and Asia in general《中國崛起:西方世界足以應對嗎?中國及整體亞洲崛起的真正長期挑戰》一書,並就翻譯過程中產生的問題提出個人心得。本論文認為譯文須力求忠實和文句的通順,因此採用嚴復的「信」為翻譯原則,並以奈達的「動態對等」為翻譯策略。 本論文內容計分五章,首章說明筆者翻譯本書的動機、目的及方法。第二章簡介本書作者及內容。第三章述明翻譯本書採用的原則、策略及其理由,並概述相關翻譯理論。第四章爰實例說明翻譯原則、策略的實際應用,並以筆者自身翻譯謬誤為例,說明如何追求譯文嚴謹,另闡述表達階段應予重視的事項。第五章提供筆者翻譯心得。全書譯文收錄於附錄。


動態對等 翻譯嚴謹


This thesis presents this author’s translation and commentary of the book entitled China Rising: Will the West Be Able to Cope? : the real long-term challenge of the rise of China and Asia in general, and discusses what the author has learned from the translating process. This thesis places top priority on faithfulness, equivalence, and smoothness. Therefore, this author adopts Yen Fu’s “faithfulness” and Eugene Nida’s “dynamic equivalence” as translation principle and strategy. The thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces research motivation, objectives and method. Chapter 2 gives a brief introduction of the original work and its author. Chapter 3 discusses what translation principle and strategy are adopted, and why, by this author. Chapter 4 probes into the translating techniques by giving examples. The final chapter describes what has been learned by this author. The translated text is placed in the appendix.


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