  • 學位論文

The Beautiful and Damned之中譯與譯評

Commentary of the Translation of The Beautiful and Damned

指導教授 : 李憲榮


《美麗與毀滅》是費茲傑羅的第二部長篇作品,也是反映美國二O年代──爵士年代──的代表性作品之一。這部作品反映出作者的經歷,也對美國上流社會的貪婪與揮霍,極盡挖苦嘲諷之能事。該部小說雖然精彩,在國內卻未曾引起廣泛注意,王文娟女士所翻譯的作品即為唯一的正體中文譯本。本譯評旨在翻譯《美麗與毀滅》第一卷第三章,並討論原譯本中值得改進的地方,主要針對原譯誤解原文語法、詞義選擇不當和譬喻法的處理等問題進行分析討論,期盼譯文既能保留原文的訊息,又能將訊息有效地傳遞給讀者。 本研究發現,在《美麗與毀滅》中文版一書中,誤解原文語法的部分導致嚴重誤譯,扭曲了作者欲表達的意旨;詞義選擇不當的原因可能是譯者照字面翻譯或未仔細參照上下文,這部分雖然不算誤譯,但卻會讓譯文充滿翻譯腔,甚至可能偏離原文真正的意思,使譯文缺乏連貫性和整體感;譬喻法的處理方法很多,但由於形象化的譬喻法是費茲傑羅的作品特色,本文這部分主要是希望將原譯所捨棄的意象還原於譯文中。


美麗與毀滅 譯評


The Beautiful and Damned is the second of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s five long stories. Published in 1922, this novel is one of the books that best depicts the life of American aristocratic elites during the Jazz Age. It is not only a social document that portrays the extravagant lifestyles of young celebrities, but also an autobiographical depiction of Fitzgerald’s married life with Zelda. Despite its importance, The Beautiful and Damned never attracted much attention in Taiwan, making the translation of Wang Wen-Juan the only official Chinese translation of the book. This study focuses on the chapter three of the first book of the novel. It analyzes and discusses the inadequacy of the original translation and offers a revised version of Chinese translation. This study reveals the following: First, in Wang’s translation of The Beautiful and Damned, there are some distortions of the original messages, which are mainly caused by misunderstanding of grammar. Second, some of the word choices had resulted in “translationese” in the translation, which was probably because of overly literal translations or failing to understand the contexts. Third, Fitzgerald is famous for using creative and beautiful analogies to bring concrete images to the audience, but many images in the original book were ignored or changed in Wang’s translation. By dealing with grammar misunderstandings, word choices and adopting strategies that better retain the ideas and images hidden or missed in Wang’s translation, the revised translation is hoped to convey the author’s messages to the audience more effectively.


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