  • 學位論文


A comparative study of the analgesic and anti-inflammatory benefits of traditional Chinese and Western medicine

指導教授 : 施宏哲 蔡崇弘


消炎鎮痛藥是現今醫療不可或缺的藥物,截至目前為止有許多相關的研究成果提出。本研究旨在探討中藥:延胡索、芍藥甘草湯及西藥:Aspirin、Nimesulide,對平滑肌及橫紋肌之鎮痛消炎效果,並加以比較。實驗進行時,以Hall的Open field來測試被檢驗藥品對實驗動物行為行動之影響,其次檢測試藥對醋酸引起內臟平滑肌疼痛之鎮痛效果;再以Carrageenin誘導出實驗動物腫脹用以測試被檢藥物之消炎抗腫效果。最後以病理組織切片來鏡檢藥物對組織發炎部位細胞之影響以及急性給藥後藥物對肝臟及腎臟之影響。由本研究之成果知悉:中藥方劑芍藥甘草湯對內臟痙攣誘發出的疼痛,其止痛效果較其他三者為佳(p<0.01)。對於實驗動物腳趾引起的腫脹則以延胡索有較佳的消腫作用(p<0.01)。至於具有選擇性COX-2抑制作用的Nimesulide,於本實驗中呈現出對內臟平滑肌之疼痛無特殊顯著之效果。


Anti-inflammatories and analgesics are ubiquitous in the modern medical world. There has been a variety of studies into such medicines. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of traditional Chinese medicines including Corydalis Rhizoma and Shao-Yau-Kan-Tsao-Tang, and Western medicines such as Aspirin and Nimesulide. The focus will be on their anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits. This experiment will commence by observing the behaviour of rats in Hall’s Open Field after the administration of the medicines. Secondly, the pain-killing benefits of the medicines will be ascertained by using 0.7% Acetic Acid on visceral smooth muscle. Then Carrageenin will be used to induce Edema in the rats, thus allowing the comparative anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits of the medicines to be ascertained. Lastly, a study of the effects on the cells of the swollen tissue will be undertaken by analysing pathological and histological slides under the microscope. The effects on the liver and kidney due to the taking of the medicine will also be determined. According to the results of this research, it has been determined that the traditional Chinese medicine Shao-Yau-Kan-Tsao-Tang is the most effective in terms of providing analgesia to visceral pain when cramp occurs in internal organs (p<0.01) than the other three medicines tested. For the swelling on the experimental animals’ toes, traditional Chinese medicine Corydalis Rhizoma has a greater ability to provide an anti-inflammatory effect (P<0.01). As for Nimesulide, which has a selective COX-2 inhibition effect, it appears to have had no significant benefit on the pain of visceral smooth muscle.


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