  • 學位論文


The anti-diabetic effects of linalool on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

指導教授 : 劉承慈


糖尿病 (DM)為國人常見慢性病之一,患者有胰島細胞功能衰竭及胰島素阻抗問題,並會發展出腎功能損傷。過去我們已證實台灣特有之土肉桂 (Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh.),其枷羅木醇型之葉精油 (TC) 可抗DM,本研究目的為觀察其主要成分—枷羅木醇 (linalool, LIN)之抗DM作用。實驗以STZ (65 mg/kg BW, i.v.) 誘發大鼠DM後,隔日灌食LIN (1、5、10 mg/kg BW,分別為 LIN-L、LIN-M、LIN-H組),共灌食八次,並與土肉桂葉精油 (13 mg/kg BW)之作用比較。誘發後第十天進行胰島素耐受測試 (ITT),第十七天則進行葡萄糖耐受測試 (OGTT),誘發後二十一天犧牲並採其血液及臟器進行胰島素濃度、脂質過氧化程度、抗氧化分子濃度與酵素活性、促發炎激素含量及腎功能影響之測定。結果顯示,於ITT中灌食LIN及TC的DM大鼠,其血糖下降百分比均顯著獲得改善,且在OGTT期間之血糖變化曲線下面積,在灌食TC之DM大鼠血糖改善程度與灌食低及中劑量LIN者相當而高劑量LIN效果則優於TC。所有劑量LIN及TC均以相似程度改善HOMA-IR指數。在抗氧化作用方面,LIN及TC均有效改善骨骼肌、腎臟、肝臟及胰臟中脂質過氧化程度,並增加抗氧化分子 (GSH)含量及酵素 (GPx、GRd、SOD、CAT)活性。在抗發炎作用方面,LIN及TC降低骨骼肌、腎臟、肝臟及胰臟中IL-1β、IL-6及TNF-α之含量,並於骨骼肌、腎臟、肝臟、胰臟及血中皆可以降低NO的含量。LIN及 TC在腎功能測定方面,則可以改善白蛋白尿並逆轉DM致使的BUN、GFR上升。由本研究結果得知LIN及TC確實具有改善高血糖、胰島素阻抗及腎臟功能之作用,且至少部分歸因於改善氧化壓力及發炎作用。而本研究可說明枷羅木醇型土肉桂葉精油之抗DM作用至少有部分來自於其主要成分LIN。


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common chronic disease all over the world. Patients with DM suffer from islet cell failure and insulin resistance and will develop complications including renal damage. Previously, we have demonstrated an anti-diabetic activity of leave essential oil of linalool type Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh (TC). The aim of the present study is to investigate the anti-diabetic activity of linalool (LIN), the major composition of TC. Male Wistar rats were injected with Streptozotocin (65 mg/kg BW, i.v.) to induce DM and received LIN (1, 5, 10 mg/kg BW), TC (13 mg/kg BW) or vehicle (corn oil, 2 ml/kg BW) every other day for eight times. Insulin tolerance test (ITT) was carried out at 10 days and oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was carried out at 17 days after induction. Rats were sacrificed on day 21 after the induction.We found all tested doses of LIN and TC to ameliorate fasting blood glucose level, insulin tolerance, glucose tolerance, and HOMA-IR. As to the antioxidative effect, LIN and TC decreased TBARS, increased the content of GSH and the activities of GPx, GRd, SOD and CAT in skeletal muscle, kidney, liver, and pancreas. LIN and TC also significantly reversed levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-αin skeletal muscle, kidney, liver, and pancreas of DM rats, and decreased the level of NO in peripheral blood from DM rats. Both BUN and GFR in DM rats were ameliorated by LIN and TC suggesting ameliorated renal disorder.In conclusion, LIN and TC improved hyperglycemia and insulin resistance, and attenuated the development of diabetic nephropathy in association with ameliorated oxidative stress and inflammatory condition in DM. The antidiabetic effects of linalool type Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh showed to be at leased partly exerted through its major composition, LIN.


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