  • 學位論文


Prelicensure nursing students’ COVID-19 attitudes and depression impact on nursing career decision-making intentions: a cross-sectional study

指導教授 : 黃正宜
共同指導教授 : 王郁茗(Yu-Ming Wang)


背景:2019年12月起中國湖北武漢市發現不明原因肺炎群聚,於2020年1月9日公布其病原體為新型冠狀病毒。我國於2020年1月15日起公告「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎」(COVID-19)為第五類法定傳染病。COVID-19在全球各國造成大流行,1月28日出現國內本土病例後,至5月底造成國內有445人確診、7人死亡。在疫情傳染途徑未明確及未有保護疫苗發展下,高年級護理系學生於臨床實習照顧病患,暴露各種風險中,易面臨被感染、被隔離的焦慮,產生壓力及抑鬱情緒。高年級護理系學生臨床護理照護工作還在適應及養成階段,除了要面對即將畢業後的臨床工作抉擇,還要擔心新冠肺炎對身體的傷害。疫情尚未明朗之際,高年級護理系學生是否會因為負面情緒而影響畢業後投入臨床護理職業之決定。 目的:探討高年級護理系學生抑鬱情緒、COVID-19的態度與護理職業決定意向之關係 方法:本研究採橫斷性調查研究,選取335名北部、中部各一所護理系高年級學生進行收案。應用COVID-19態度量表、抑鬱問卷量表(PHQ)及職業生涯決定行為意向問卷,進行抑鬱情緒、COVID-19態度與護理職業決定行為意向之間的相關。 結果:本研究結果高年級護理系學生抑鬱情緒多為輕度抑鬱,COVID-19態度與抑鬱情緒之間無相關性(r=.070, p=.21)、抑鬱情緒與護理職業決定行為意向之間無相關性(r=-.069, p=.20),COVID-19態度與護理職業決定行為意向有顯著正相關(r=.382, p=.000)。新冠肺炎態度的護理信念與護理職業決定行為意向有顯著相關性(β=.264, p=.000)。顯示新冠肺炎態度越正向、護理信念越強,護理職業決定行為意向就會越高。 結論: 面對未來未知的傳染疾病,學校與醫院應著重在學生流行病的教育及知識,提供臨床護理相關照護知識、臨床技能的相關教育訓練及感染防治措施,提高學生對傳染疾病的正向態度。


Background: An unknown cluster infection of pneumonia in Hubei Province Wuhan City in China in December 2019, and WTO announced the pathogen is novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In January 15 2020, Department of Health, Executive Yuan classified COVID-19 as Category 5 communicable disease. During the pandemic of COVID-19 in global wide, the fist case was diagnosed in Taiwan in January 28th 2020, then, until the end of May in 2020 there were 445 confirmed cases and 7 deaths in Taiwan. Under the scenario of unknown route of transmission and non-effective vaccine was available for further prevention, prelicensure nursing students had to care for patients in clinical practice. Prelicensure nursing students are exposed to various risks, infections, anxiety, stress, and depression. Prelicensure nursing students are developing their clinical adaptability, and their career decisions are not mature. Faced with the increasingly severe COVID-19 epidemic, will it affect students' decision to be a nurse after graduation? Aim: To explore the relationship between depression, COVID-19 attitude, and nursing career decision intention among prelicensure nursing students. Methods: This study is cross-sectional, and we recruited a sample of 335 prelicensure nursing students from Northern and Central Taiwan. The instruments include the COVID-19 attitude scale, Depression Questionnaire (PHQ), and the Nursing Students' Career Decision-making scale. Results: Prelicensure nursing students have mild depressive mood. No correlation between COVID-19 attitudes and depressive mood (r=.070, p=.21). There was no correlation between depression and nursing career decision-making intentions (r=-.069, p=.20). Prelicensure nursing students' COVID-19 attitudes were significantly positively associated with career decision-making intentions (r=.382, p=.000). The nursing belief factor of COVID-19 attitudes were significantly associated with career decision-making intentions (β=.264, p=.000). The result was showed that COVID-19 attitudes were more positively,the nursing belief were more stronger,and had higher career decision-making intentions. Conclusion: For facing the unknow emerging infectious diseases in the future, the nursing schools and hospitals should focus on educating students for the knowledge of prevalent disease, relevant clinic nursing skills and infection control interventions which help to promote the positive attitude to nursing students toward infectious disease.


