  • 學位論文


From the Regularity in Normal to Irregularity: an Analysis on Edward Lam Dance Theatre’s Works from 1989 to 2005

指導教授 : 林于竝




Based on Roland Barthes’ semiotics point of view, this thesis is an analysis on Edward Lam Dance Theatre’s works from 1989 to 2005. There are there parts in this thesis. First, during the continuing there years when his works started to increase in quantity, from 1995 to 1997, there’s one of his causing Hong Kong mass media concerning and even becoming a social event due to different reasons in each year, which must form his ‘irregular’ externality gradually. He was invited to Taipei to hold a workshop in 1998. The reports or introducing of him and his works in Taiwan must include his externality set up by Hong Kong medium and the comments from the inviting group in Taipei. Therefore, through analyzing those mass media data such as the related reports or articles in newspapers or magazines, this thesis tries to sum up what the externality is. Second, after discussing Roland Barthes’ semiotics point of view and Michael Foucault’s ‘prison’ concept, this thesis attempts to propose the concepts of ‘irregularity’ and ‘tangible/ intangible prison’. Third, an analysis on the sixteen-year-lasting theatre works is the main part of this thesis. Based on the two concepts mentioned above, this thesis tries to find out how the characteristics of ‘irregularity’works in his works, to figure out the line of his theatre works from ‘tangible prison’ to ‘intangible prison’ and the style of his ones from dance theatre, language attending and being the main subject, to the birth of stage-reading performing style. In the end, according to combining the externality with the results of analyzing his theatre works, the conclusion ‘from the regularity in normal to irregularity’ comes.


Counsell, Colin(1996) Sings of Performance: An Introduction to Twentieth-Century Theatre . London: Routledge.
Eagleton, Terry(1983) Literary Theory: An Introduction . Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publisher.
約翰.伯格(John Berger)、尚.摩爾(Jean Mohr)著,張世倫譯(2007),《另一種影像敘事》,台北:三言社。
趙毓英(2005),《Talk Too Much》,國立台北藝術大學劇場藝術研究所導演組藝術碩士畢業製作書面報告。


