  • 學位論文


A Study of The Competition of Wood craving From Traditional Temples In Taiwan

指導教授 : 江韶瑩


摘要 傳統廟宇建築中的木作鑿花有其悠久歷史,但隨時代轉變能夠解讀與欣賞的人隨之減少,「對場」是臺灣傳統廟宇建築中極富特色的一種施作模式,是指一座建築物,以中軸線為界或以前後為區分,分別由兩位匠師共同承作,分別施作,可以是單項工藝的競技,也可能是全面性的對場,兩方匠師各顯長才,相互競技。而在鑿花對場作中,藝師們為了求勝更是跳脫出傳統題材的規範,創作出別出心裁的作品,而在既往的研究中,甚少被提及。 本文由現存之二十三座木作對場廟宇中,針對大木與鑿花部分,以影像紀錄並歸納整理建立資料檔案,並透過文獻探討對場的脈絡發展及其時代背景因素。藉由田野圖像紀錄,經大木形式之類比與鑿花之題材合意與否,歸納出木作對場的運作模式與合作關係。最後透過鑿花之圖像分析、內容意涵與象徵意義以及人物木雕的詮釋來看民間匠師在對場中的「競藝」與「競意」。 本文之研究結果發現大木作對場之施作方式,除了以往以中軸線為分界及前後為區分外,尚有其他的施作方式;而競爭激烈的廟宇中,則可由鑿花題材來判別。透過解讀鑿花圖像的過程,期望重新帶給大眾在欣賞傳統建築時能有不同的切入觀點,讓欣賞傳統建築更具感知,並重新觀看對場其所反映的社會文化意義。


Abstrate The wood carving in the traditional temples has long history, but there is less and less people know how to appreciate it during the time passing through. “Competition” is a characteristic construction style in the traditional temples. It means dividing one building into 2 ~ 4 sides from middle line that can be left and right sides or even front and back sides. Then the building is built by 2~4 groups of masters separately. That can be one kind of technique or all decoration techniques. Because the works from all the groups will decorate in the same temple, each group will try to make the best pieces or even out of the traditional frame and create some creative works. The study of those special things is few been mentioned. This thesis focuses on the wooden construction and cravings in the existed 23 wooden competition temples. Document by photo images and generalize all the information files then study its development and the time background by documents study. It generalizes the working mode and relation of cooperation by comparing the style of wooden construction and the subjects of wood cravings. Then study the picture of wooden cravings, meanings and symbolization to understand the worker’s “competition intention” and” art of competition”. The result of this study is that the working mode of wooden construction is not just dividing the temple into left-right and front-back sides by middle line. There are some other mode existed which can be identified by the wood cravings in the temple. By studying the picture of wood craving, wish this thesis can bring the different views of appreciating the traditional buildings and re-understanding the culture meanings in the “competition temples” .


traditional temples competition Wood craving


2005c 《台灣寺廟建築大師─陳應彬傳》。台北市:燕樓古建築出版社。
Erwin Panofsky著,李元春譯
Edward Shils 著,傅鏗、呂樂 譯
