  • 期刊


A Study of Architectural Characteristic and Implication of the Religious Building Chingshuo Court in Taiwan Built by Japanese Immigrants during the Colonial Days


台灣東部的花蓮,在清代一直視爲后山蠻荒之地,源自中央山脈的七腳川在現今吉安鄉附近沖積出一片肥沃的平原;原住民阿美族在此建立了自己的聚落,直到清中葉以後,才逐漸有漢人足跡進入。日治時期爲施行其殖民政策,有計畫地向台灣移民,這片較少開發的上地,自然成爲一個適當的場所。日人取四國吉野之名,在原七腳川的荳蘭社建立吉野移民指導所,下轄吉野、豐田、林田三個移民村,到了大正末期已然形成規模。 爲了撫慰新移民,殖民政府除了建立道路、水圳、醫療所、小學校等設施外,更建立了布教所,藉宗教的力量使開發的過程更爲順利。移民的主要信仰是屬於佛教本願派的真宗,因此在三處移民村的官營布教所也都以真宗爲主,但另一方面在吉野村內也有一批信仰真言宗的移民,以私人的力量建立起自己的布教所。 花蓮吉安慶修院的前身,是興建於大正六年(1917)的真言宗吉野布教所。爲日本四國德島縣奉祀真言宗信仰移民所建。四國八十八所靈場道路,是日本佛教重要傳統活動場所之一。信眾以步行參拜八十八所名剎,也追思著弘法大師空海的行誼。慶修院兼有日本社寺風格的獨特類型,以及隨著時代及地域風上氣候條件等變遷,反映宗教文化與風土氣候特色,亦應重新受到合理的評估。


社寺建築 佛教 真宗 真言宗


Located at the eastern part of Taiwan, Hwalian was regarded as a wild land during Ching Dynasty (l7~l9(superscript th) centuries). Originated from the Central Mountains of Taiwan, the Chika Creek created a fertile plain near the Chian Shiang of Hwalian where one Amei tribe had settled Until the middle period of the Ching Dynasty, not a mainlander had appeared there. During Japanese occupation period of Taiwan, Japanese government had a policy to migrate Japanese people to Taiwan, consequently the Chian Shiang of Hwalian became one of the places proper for the new comers. Named after the Yousino of Shikoku in Japan, the Yousino migration office was set up to offer assistance to the migrants of the three villages, i.e., Yousino, Toyota, Hayashita. By the end of Daise period, these villages already had quite a number of villagers. In order to soothe new migrants from Japan, the colonial government built the roads, water courses for irrigation, clinics, elementary schools, as well as religious centers. so as to smooth migrants' settlement process. The major belief of villagers was Shinshu of Buddhism, there for official religious centers set up by the migration office in the three villages were based on that belief. However, there were some migrants of the Yousino village who believed Shingonshu of Buddhism, therefore they built their own religious center separately. The Chingshuo court in Hwalian, formerly a Japanese religious center, was built in 1907 by migrants from the Shikoku in Japan whose belief was Shingonshu. The worship route connecting 88 famous temples in the Shikoku was one of Japanese Buddhist s' the worship route important traditional activity places. To visit and worship 88 temples on foot along the believers tried to memorize the great deeds of Buddhist Kukai. On the one hand, the Chingshuo Court in Hwalian was influenced by the unigue species of early Japanese religious buildings, and on the other hand its building style reflected changes in regional climate which is unique in Taiwan. Form the standpoint of both religious cultured and regional climate, it would be worthwhile to re-evaluate the architectural importance of the Chingshuo Court.


Religious building Buddhism Shinshu Shingoshu


