  • 學位論文


A Critique Essay on the Film Script “Blue Ocean”

指導教授 : 焦雄屏


摘要 筆者在大學時期看過紀錄片《蘭嶼觀點》後,蘭嶼特殊的人文地理景觀吸引了筆者的注意,而後受到愛情喜劇電影《海角七號》在台灣票放熱賣的的刺激,於是後動心起念寫作《藍海之夏》這個劇本,即是以來自台灣的外來者前去蘭嶼拍攝旅遊節目為背景,設定主角們到蘭嶼後,才發現製作費被騙去大半、前製作業毫無進度。於是毫無專業素養的女主角擔任起前製工作,在過程中男女主角相識、產生情愫,最終成為愛侶。 為了寫作這個劇本,筆者實地前往蘭嶼採訪以獲得第一手訊息,在與當地居民接觸訪談後,這些當地的人、事、物在筆者心中的份量加重,於是在修改劇本時傾斜,增添許多情節去描繪達悟人所遭遇到的困境與觀光所帶來的衝突與矛盾,但在思考後發覺如果偏重嚴肅議題,恐怕觀眾無法吸收,且太過著墨在現實問題的衝突,亦會破壞原本喜劇的調性,多次折衝修改,還是回歸到所有現實問題點到為止,再把劇本修改成愛情主軸。但在劇本完成後受到指導老師嚴厲的批判,筆者接受老師建議,整本劇本重新改寫。 論述中亦闡述劇本結構、創作起源與角色分析。 筆者過往的創作養分大多來自於觀影與閱讀經驗,但是在此次劇創作過程中,筆者實際前往蘭嶼蒐集資料,蘭嶼那些個性鮮明、熱情開朗的受訪者暢談他們的故事與想法,聽這樣真實的故事,那些人、那些事能開拓筆者狹隘的眼界,可以成為許多劇本的引子。 在未來,筆者希冀能創作出成功的商業劇本,爭取市場認同,這需要成熟的創作與市場分析能力,筆者深深自己能力不足,尚在摸索,。學無止境,筆者依舊會向這個方向努力學習,希冀能有所成績。


蘭嶼 旅遊節目 達悟 觀光


In college I watched a documentary, Voices of Orchid Island. The people and geographical landscape in Orchid Island has attracted special attention of me. Then stimulated by top-selling love comedy film, Cape No. 7, in the Taiwan, I start to write Blue Ocean. This script sets outsiders from Taiwan go to Orchid Island for shooting tourist program as story background. After protagonists arrive in Orchid Island, they discover more than half of production costs are cheated out of, and first half of production made no progress. Then female protagonist, who has no professional background, takes on the role of making the progress of the production. In the process, male and female protagonists come to know each other, have feeling toward each other and eventually become lovers. In order to write this script, I went to Orchid Island to make field interviews and obtain first-hand information. After making contacts with local residents in interviews, the people, events and things were getting weighted in my hearts. Therefore, while revising, script was tilted, adding a number of plots to depict hardship Tao faced and conflicts and contradictions tourism brought. After giving more thought, I realized if the script emphasizes on serious issues, audience may not absorb. Additionally, if the script dwells too much on conflicts of practical issues, it will also upset the sense of a comedy. After multiple conciliation and modification, the script came back to the point where all the practical problems were only touched and not went far, and the script was changed as love-centered. However, script’s completion was criticized harshly by the instructor, and I accept instructor’s suggestion to rewrite the whole script. This critique essay also explains scenario structures, creative origins and role analysis. In the past, my creative nutrients were mostly from viewing and reading, but for writing the script, I actually went to Orchid Island to collect information. During interviews, distinctive, yet warm and cheerful respondents on Orchid Island talked about their stories and ideas. Listening to their true stories, the people and the things can broaden my narrow vision and can be ideas to other scripts. In the future, I wish to be able to create successful commercial scripts and secure market recognition. These require mature creative works and market analysis capabilities. I deeply feel my lack of abilities, which I am still groping. There is no end to learning so I will continue to work hard in this direction, hoping to be successful.


Lanyu Tourist programs Tao Sightseeing


Haneke, Michael (1997) Funny Games, Celluloid Dreams
Barsam, Richard M. (1996)。《紀錄與真實-世界非劇情片批評史》(王亞維 譯)。台北:遠流出版社
