  • 學位論文


A Critique Essay on the Film Script “The Weight of Happiness”

指導教授 : 廖慶松


摘要 《幸福的重量》為一原創電影劇本,是一個關於被主流就業市場排擠的邊緣青年如何面對人生困境的故事。 阿文辭掉電玩店服務員的工作,進入主流就業市場,希望能找到穩定的工作,習得一技之長。只是,高職肄業又無技術專長,在主流就業市場裡並不討喜,致使長年工作不穩定,陷於經常失業與短暫就業的泥淖裡。經濟拮据加劇了伴侶感情的撕裂,兒子小傑成為阿文最重要的心靈支柱。當小傑的媽媽珮珊最終決定離開他時,如何將孩子留在身邊、爭取到監護權,成為阿文現階段最重要的課題。 近年來台灣社會貧富差距日益嚴重,失業率也屢創新高。失業與貧窮經常是互為因果,失業者更常被貼上等同失敗者的標籤,無形中造成失業者的自信心低落,產生自我懷疑,進而形成面對家庭及社會人際關係的障礙。劇本中透過阿文為了爭取孩子監護權而力圖振作的過程,帶領觀者近距離凝視失業青年面對生活困境的壓力與掙扎。 本創作論述包含創作動機、研究方法及過程、劇本結構及角色分析,並以國內外相關主題、類型的電影《父子關係》、《當幸福來敲門》、《不能沒有你》作分析比較,最後則是創作過程的相關檢討。


失業 貧窮 父子關係


Abstract The Weight of Happiness is an original film script describing the struggle and the plight of life of a young man who is marginalized by the mainstream job market. Ah-Wen quits his job in a video game shop and swims into the mainstream job market trying to land a job with stability and a chance to learn professional skills. However, without a diploma from vocational high school or any professional skills, Ah-Wen has no luck in the job market and has failed to land a stable job. He is constantly in and out of job for many years. As the economic constraint further aggravates, the relationship of this couple worsened. Under the circumstances, his son, Xiou-Jie, has become the most vital psychological support for Ah-Wen. When Xiou-Jie’s mother, Pei-Shan, finally decides to leave him, Ah-Wen feels that it is imperative to keep his son with him and fight for custody. In recent years, the gap between rich and poor in Taiwan has greatly widened and the unemployment rate has also reached an unprecedented record. Unemployment and poverty are usually intertwined and interdependent. The unemployed are often labeled as the losers resulting in low self-esteem and self-doubt. Furthermore, they also encounter obstacles to face their families and socio-interpersonal relationships. Through Ah-Wen’s struggle to fight for custody of his child and the effort to get back on his foot, the script leads the audience to pay a close look into the pressure and the struggle of life of an unemployed young man. This critique essay on The Weight of Happiness explores the creation motivation, research methodology and process, script structure and analysis of the types of roles. At the same time, a comparative study is also drawn from the foreign and domestic movies with related topics, such as The Tow of Us, The Pursuit of Happiness, and No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti. It concludes with a review of the creation process.


unemployment poverty father-son relationship




