  • 學位論文


The Study of Chinese Opera Movements as Dancers’ Basic Training with Teaching Analysis of Five Teachers

指導教授 : 張中煖


筆者於研究所期間累積許多戲曲基本功相關學習經驗,包括學習者、研究者、教學助理三種身分進入不同背景教師的課堂當中,此經歷激發筆者對從古到今的戲曲基本功形成與教學的發展,進而產生探知的欲望,故本研究之目的有三: 一、 回溯戲曲藝術的形成與發展,期在傳統歷史演變的立基點,以求對戲曲中的基本功有更宏觀的認識。 二、 了解戲曲基本功在臺灣舞蹈專業體制中成為訓練舞者肢體能力課程的背景及其演變。 三、 透過進入不同世代、背景之教師的教學場域,彙整五位資深教師的教材教法,並檢視戲曲基本功教學的現況與未來可以著重發展的方向。 本研究主要方法為文獻資料彙整、課堂觀察以及訪談,以瞭解戲曲基本功的歷史演變,並探究戲曲基本功在臺灣舞蹈科系的發展沿革,以及彙整及分析五位資深教師教材教法之特色。筆者亦從研究歷程中,提出戲曲基本功置於臺灣舞蹈專業科系之發展趨勢:多元整合藝術到抽離舞蹈動作作為舞者所需的養分與訓練、課程名稱的演變、教師背景的移轉、以及由原汁原味到多元融合的教材教法。最後,筆者再針對研究所得,整體去思考並檢視戲曲基本功的教學,分別就教材、教法、課堂配樂三面向提出未來戲曲基本功教學的省思與建議。特別是在未來的「教」與「學」中,能夠回到戲曲藝術傳統文化的脈絡與價值,再重新尋找創新的可能性。


As a student, researcher and teaching assistant, I have learned Chinese Opera Movements from teachers with different backgrounds in the graduate school. Such learning experiences motivated me to understand more about Chinese Opera Movements, including its historical development and accumulated heritage in teaching materials and methods. Therefore, Chinese Opera Movements is the focus of this study. Through literature review, document analysis, class observation and interview, there are three primary purposes of this study as follows: 1. To trace back the origin of Chinese Opera and to further explore the shaping process of Chinese Opera Movements as a basic training. 2. To investigate the background and the development of how Chinese Opera Movements was brought into the professional dance education in Taiwan. 3. To analyze the selected five teachers’ teaching from different generations and backgrounds through which enables to submit future teaching possibilities based on current analysis results. The research reveals the developmental trends of Chinese Opera Movements as dancers’ basic training in Taiwan. They include what and how Chinese Opera elements are transferred for dancers’ training, the changes of the course title, the shifting of teachers’ backgrounds, and the teaching itself has been toward more personal preference and choices. Finally, some suggestions are made in terms of teaching materials, methods and the use of music in Chinese Opera Movements classes. Especially, Chinese Opera Movements, as a traditional movement training for dancers, it’s expected for both teachers and students to think about its cultural context and values as a ground to re-search innovative possibilities in the future.




楊淑茹(2016)。傳統生命 青春再飛揚─國中京劇基礎動作創意教學的實踐與反思〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0014-0709201616284600
