  • 期刊


Validity and Reliability of Chinese Version of Dance Imagery Questionnaire


本研究目的在修訂Nordin and Cumming(2006)舞蹈意象量表成為中文量表,以供學術研究之用。本研究共分為三個階段,共642位大專舞蹈系學生為研究對象,利用Nordin and Cumming所編製的16題版本之舞蹈意象量表施測於上述對象。本研究利用項目分析、驗證性因素分析、內部一致性檢定、多群組共變數分析及再測信度分析,進行中文版舞蹈意象量表之信效度檢驗。研究結果發現修訂過後之中文版舞蹈意象量表具有可接受的整體適配度。本研究結論:本量表具有良好的信度與效度,顯示本量表具有實際使用價值,可做為未來研究舞蹈意象能力的測量工具。


The purpose of this study was to translate the Nordin and Cumming's (2006) Dance Imagery Questionnaire (DIQ) into Chinese, and to examine its validity and reliability in order to provide a valid and reliable measure for future studies. In this study total 642 university students from department of dance were enrolled, and their responses to the Chinese version of DIQ were recorded in three stages of the study. Statistical analyses, including item analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), Cronbach's alpha coefficients, simultaneous multi-group covariance analyses and test-retest reliability were performed. The statistical results showed that the proposed model was found to be good overall fit as indicated by the data. We conclude that the Chinese version of DIQ revealed appropriate reliability and validity. Our findings suggest the Chinese version of DIQ has practical value, and could be used in future studies to assess the dance imagery ability.


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