  • 期刊


Using Imagery as an Alternative Approach to Enhance Dance Performance


在體育運動範疇中,意象是經常使用的訓練方式和研究主題。舞蹈也包括在體育運動範疇,但舞蹈意象的研究較不常見,尤其是國內舞蹈界更是缺乏。本文希望藉意象研究的文獻回顧達到拋磚引玉效果。鼓勵更多的舞蹈界人士,在舞蹈課中加入意象訓練,以為課程學習與提升表演績效的運用。題目訂為「用意象來增進舞蹈表現的可能性」,其意在此。本文論述的方式以舞蹈舉例和解說為主、運動為輔。全文共分四段來探討,分別為:1.前言;2.意象在舞蹈領域的重要性與效用;3.舞者使用 意象的內容;4.意象在舞蹈領域的未來研究方向。希望對於體育、舞蹈、與學術界有進一步的貢獻。


In the physical education and sports domain, imagery is a frequently used psychological skill for training methods as well as research topic. Dance is one of the sub-disciplines in the field of the physical education and sports domain, but very few studies, especially in Taiwan, doing dance imagery research. This study is aimed to explore the imagery research by reviewing related literatures in the hope of attracting more attention on this subject. It is also hoped to encourage more dance professionals to implement imagery training in the dance practices, to apply in classes and in enhancing performance. To achieve these goals, we mostly used dance to explain how imagery works, but in some cases we also used sports as examples. This paper is organized by following four sections: a) introduction; b) the importance and function of imagery in the field of dance; c) the imagery content that used by dancers; d) future research directions of imagery in dance. We hope this paper brings some contributions in the field of physical education and dance.


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