  • 學位論文


A Research of Settlement Planning and Space Development to the Japanese Immigration Village the case of Yoshino Mura in Hualien

指導教授 : 黃士娟


1895(明治28)年日本透過馬關條約取得臺灣領土,並展開了殖民事業。在當時日本國內社會經濟動盪、農村人口帶來壓力的情況下,總督府積極地進行移民計畫,期望能為國內面臨的問題找到解決方法。 經過全面性土地調查後,1909(明治42)年總督府選定東臺灣的廣大土地,建立了臺灣第一個全日人居住的農業移民村,並展開官營移民事業。而首先成立的吉野村,其作為臺灣農業移民村的先驅及模範,村民的貢獻是無可替代的。 吉野村鑑於西方國家及北海道的開墾經驗,採用「折衷」方式進行規劃,在村落中央建立以公共單位為主的行政區,四周設置二至三處住宅聚落,耕地則分佈於鄰近的空地。住宅聚落雖以集居方式安排,但每戶住宅也分配有充足的宅地空間可作栽培、飼育等用途,機能性十足。當時的規劃在數十年後的今日,仍可從都市紋理上看出端倪,無論在地方歷史或農村規劃方面均有其研究之價值。 本研究以花蓮港廳下的吉野移民村作為研究對象,探究其官營時期的規劃及官營結束後的後續發展與變遷的歷程。


In 1895 (the 28th year of Meiji) Japan started their colonial period in Taiwan after the Treaty of Shimonoseki was signed. Under the uncertainty of social and economic situation and the overcrowding rural population, Taiwan governor’s office drew up the emigrating plan and hopefully to solve population problems. Taiwan governor’s office chose the eastern Taiwan of its large land field after the overall land survey in 1909 (the 42nd year of Meiji). They built the first agricultural immigrant village with all Japanese residence and started the government -run immigrant project. The first village, Yoshino Mura as a pioneer and demonstration to the other Taiwan agricultural immigrant village, the residents’contribution were remarkable. The Yoshino Mura was planned with the “compromise” idea based on the reclaiming experience from western countries and Hokkaido, The administration offices were located in central of the village surrounding by two to three residential settlements with the cultivable land nearby. It was a collective residence but with plenty space for farming and breeding live stocks. This model could still be found in the urban plan after decades. It is valuable not only to local history but the rural villages planning. The context is a Yoshino Mura- research object, which is subordinate to Hualiengang Ting. It is to research the village planning during the government-run period and the historical developments and transformations after its end.


1977 《聚落地理學》,臺北市:三民。
1984 《村落地理學》,臺北市:五南。
