  • 學位論文

創意人才之生涯發展卓越因素與關鍵能力之研究: 以專業策展人Hans Ulrich Obrist 為例

Exploration in Critical Factors and the Abilities of Career Advancement as a Creative Worker: A Case Study of a Professional Curator – Hans Ulrich Obrist

指導教授 : 蘇瑤華
共同指導教授 : 余昕晏(Hsin-Yen Yu)


The 21st century is a new economic era, in which characterized by interdependent work activities in both the national and global area. The more frequent occasions for various collaborations and international exchanges bring all types of challenges and opportunities. This study aimed to understand the career development of a professional curator and to identify factors contributing to his career success. The work content of a curator is diverse and extends across organizational boundaryless career. The intent of the current study was to develop an understanding of the reasons behind the for career success of the most talented people in creative fields based on a definition that is both [a] grounded literature review [b] in the boundaryless career theory. To summarize the salient features of the data, three findings are of interest. First, openness is necessary, but internal motivation with great discipline and altruistic tendency help a professional worker to excel in the pursuit. The altruistic and internal motivation supports Obrist to face dynamic work environment. In addition, working at various locations and changing rules are required for high cross-cultural adaptability. As a professional curator to create a conversation between audience and artwork is the most important thing than display objects in the exhibition. Since curating is an interdisciplinary job, the internship or mentor system may support and incubate students to understand the real world. Last but not least, began to establish a social connection that is conductive to the career development after determining the goals. Bring new information seems to be a good way to build the first step. It is worth of further investigation on how we can maximize personal value system and perform interdisciplinary consolidation to cope with organizational reform and increasingly complicated management challenges in the cultural and creative industry.


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