  • 學位論文


A Study on the Decorative Metalwork of the Modern Architecture in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱博舜
共同指導教授 : 黃俊銘(Chun-Ming Huang)


臺灣地區許多興建於日治時期和戰後初期的公共建築與民宅、街屋中,都曾有使用裝飾金屬構件的案例。但是長久以來,裝飾金屬構件在臺灣的建築研究中常被忽略,且裝飾金屬構件並非建築必備項目,且易於在建築物完工後加裝、改建,是以此項研究有時間上的急迫性。目前裝飾金屬構件在建築研究領域當中,仍屬空白地帶,有許多未知的疑問有待我們去釐清。 本論文藉由田野調查與文獻、史料蒐集,探討裝飾金屬構件進入臺灣之前的源流與臺灣本地發展概況,釐清近代臺灣建築所使用的裝飾金屬構件類型、建立系譜,並藉由文獻與田野資料試圖回溯當時裝飾金屬構件的工法,以瞭解工法上的限制對裝飾金屬構件的外型與應用產生的影響。 本研究發現,裝飾金屬構件為傳統建築裝飾材料的代替品,在臺灣的使用歷程可分為移入期(1895-1919)、發展期(1920-1929)、興盛期(1930-1937)、衰退期(1938-1945)。日人統治之初使用裝飾金屬構件的主要為中央層級的官方建築,樣式以歷史樣式為主,並在1910年代開始出現民宅使用的案例,不過使用者為臺籍仕紳,尚未普及至民間。發展時期建設對象轉往地方,主要為地方層級的官方建築。樣式上幾何、裝飾派藝術使用比例增加,並出現本土化圖案。1930年代因適逢重大地震促使市區改正推行,造成一波建築潮,裝飾金屬構件真正普及至民間,並在1933至1935年達到使用的高峰。但隨著戰事興起,從物資管制到金屬類回收令的公布,裝飾金屬構件的使用嚴重受到影響而遽減。裝飾金屬構件使用的演變顯示生產技術逐漸進步而使得產量增加,其角色亦從代替品轉為建築的一部份。其複製與量產的生產模式使得裝飾金屬構件成為建築產業工業化的指標之一。


Decorative metalwork is extensively found among public buildings, private houses, and street houses built during Japanese Governance and the initial stage after World War II in Taiwan. However, decorative metalwork is seldom mentioned in the studies of the architecture in Taiwan. Besides, decorative metalwork, an optional item in a structure, is apt to be reconstructed afterwards. Due to the reasons above, there is an urgency of this study. In order to categorize of the decorative metalwork used in Taiwan and to establish a framework of its genealogy, this study discuses the origin of decorative metalwork before entering Taiwan and its development in Taiwan through field investigation, literature review, and the searching of historical materials. The limit of the manufacturing methods and its influence upon the shape of decorative metalwork are also explored in this study. Through this study, it is found that decorative metalwork is regarded as a substitute of traditional building decorative materials, and the usage of decorative metalwork can be classified into four periods: the immigrating period (1895-1919), the developmental period (1920-1929), the prosperous period (1930-1937), and the recessional period (1938-1945). During the early stage of Japanese Governance, decorative metalwork, mainly historical style, was mostly used on official buildings of central authorities. Decorative metalwork was not found in private houses until 1910; however, it was only used in the houses of Taiwanese influential people, not yet among the general public. During the developmental period, decorative metalwork began to be used on official buildings of local authorities in which the percentage of geometric style and Art Deco increased, and the local pattern was also found at the first time. In the 1930s, decorative metalwork prevailed among the general public due to the urban planning after the earthquake, and the usage reached the peak during 1933-1935. However, the usage of decorative metalwork declined massively after the beginning of the war due to the material control and the recycle order of metal materials. The evolution of decorative metalwork implies that the progress of the producing technology contributes to the mass production, and the role of decorative metalwork has also changed from a substitute into a part of architecture. The mode of copy and mass production has made decorative metalwork one of the indexes for architecture industrialization.


1994 《陳德聚堂調查研究與修護》,楊仁江建築師事務所,臺南市政府委託。
2001 《臺閩地區第三級古蹟吳鸞旂墓園研究規劃》,韓興興建築師事務所,臺中縣文化局委託。
1927 《臺灣商工名錄》,臺灣物產協會發行。
Benjamin, Walter
Calloway, Stephen 編
