  • 學位論文


From Quimaurri,San Salvador to She-Liao isle

指導教授 : 林會承


現今基隆市中正區的和平島,昔日曾為南島語系族群-巴塞人(Bassai)的聚落所在地,一般稱之為大雞龍社,是本研究空間範圍內實體空間建設的起點,隨後歷經西班牙、荷蘭、明鄭、清政府以及日本的統治,各族群為其所需,均或多或少的於其間建設了實體空間。 本研究首先即著手對各族群實體空間的研究,依本研究看來,各族群的實體空間建設,皆以軍事防禦類型之實體空間,為其建設之大宗,而各族群設置軍事防禦類實體空間的目的,不盡相同,是各族群對於本研究空間範圍之定位不同,而導致這種現象。 此外,本研究之空間範圍,於昔日曾為基隆市區發展的的中心,約於清領的中、末期,由於閩、粵漢人大量的移民到現今的基隆市區,除促使基隆市區的發展外,亦使得本研究之空間範圍,漸失其作為基隆市區發展中心的地位,轉成為基隆市區的邊緣地帶,此一因素,亦深深的影響了本研究空間範圍內的實體空間。 依本研究看來,現今基隆市中正區的和平島,其實體空間之變遷歷程大致是:起自巴塞人(Bassai)的起點,在西班牙佔據時期,向前邁進一大步,歷經荷蘭、明鄭以及清領初期的長期停滯,清領中、末期,開始失去其中心的定位成為邊緣,日治時期日人除派駐重兵防守外,並配合基隆築港工程,計劃將其改造為漁港。


Nowadays, the Ho-Ping Isle located in Chung Cheng Area in Keelung City used to be the settlement of Southern Island language where the Bassai were located. It's called " Quimaurri" in which is the initial place where to get started wih this study in the space scope of the substantial construction. Afterwards,undergone by the historical dominations of Spain, Holland, Ming-Zheng Period,Ching Dynasty and Japanese Occupation, all tribes had been establishing some physical construction in order to meet their needs. First of all, this study initiates from all different tribe's substantial constructions. Upon the study,all tribes' substantial constructions are inclined to the military-defence type. The majority of their constructions are essentially based on the purpose of military defence. In addition, the space scope of this study used to be the central of Keelung City Development. Around the evening of Chin Dynasty, due to great amounts of Han people from Fukien and Cantong these two provinces immigrating to present Keelung City Area, this not only brought the development of Keelung City but also made this study of space scope with Keelung City as the central no longer exit. Consequently, this turned to be the edging area in Keelung City but also greatly affected the space scope of this study in substantial constructions. This study, therefore, is about the Peace Island which is presently located in the middle part of Keelung City. As for the developing history of its substantial constructions, the Peace Island initiated from the Bassai in the Spaniard Occupation Periold,underwent Holland, Ming-Zheng Period and Ching Dynasty, started to lose its central importance and finally became as the edging area during the middle and evening of Ching Dynasty. During the Japanese Occupation Period,the Japanese detached a large number of troops to defense but also schemed to Keelung Harbor Engineering which would reconstruct it as a fishing port.


Quimaurri Saint Salvador She-Liao isle


1990 《台灣外記》(台北:台灣銀行經濟研究室,台灣文獻叢刊第60種)。
1958 《台灣志略》(台北:台灣銀行經濟研究室,台灣文獻叢刊第18種)。
1962 《清初海疆圖說》(台北:台灣銀行經濟研究室,台灣文獻叢刊第155種)。


