  • 學位論文


《Henry IV》Performance Report

指導教授 : 姚海星


在這個群居的社會中,人與人之間的相處,語言是必要的工具,但卻也很不可靠。我在幾年前突然有了很深的體悟,害怕對方不能清楚的接收到自己話語中的真正含意,害怕失真率太高。相對的,接收別人的話語時也是,怕自己過度解讀了對方的意思,陷入自己一廂情願式的猜想,導致溝通無效。 而每個人都是獨立的個體,擁有只屬於他自己的一套觀念、思考邏輯。但是為了方便溝通,我們會盡量讓語言達到認知上的相同,但常常卻只是徒勞無功。«亨利四世»劇中的角色們便是如此,在每個人用語言文字高談闊論的當下,卻沒有任何一個人走入對方的心裡,不光只有亨利,每個人都一樣,像是站在一扇永遠不會為他而開的大門面前。


亨利四世 扮演 皮藍德婁


In our society, language is a must, we understand each other through it. However, communication bases on language is not reliable. This idea occured to me few years ago,at the same time i was afraid that the listener couldn’t accurately get the message I wanted to deliver . On the other hand, I was also very afraid that I would misunderstand what others wanted to tell me, or over interpret others message. In order to establish relationship with others, we try our best to get the pictures in others' minds. However, since each of us has different backgrounds, and values, and various ways of thinking, communications usually fails for many reasons. So are the characters in «Henry IV», they try hard to communicate with each other through verbal and non-verbal language, but in vain. In my point of view,as an actor who played the role of Henry,I believe everyone is like Henry, who is standing in front of a gate that will never open for him.


Pirandello Henry IV Role Playing


4. 杜思慧,《單人表演》,臺北:黑眼睛文化,2008。
5. 彼得•布魯克,耿一偉譯,《空的空間》,臺北:國立中正文化中心,2008。
2. 張世賢,<《食物升降機》演出工作報告>,臺北:國立台北藝術大學,2009。
1. Bentley, Eric (Ed.). Naked Masks : Five Play by Luigi Pirandello. N.Y.: E. P. Dutton, 1985.
3. Pirandello, Luigi. On Humor. North Carolina: The University of North Carolina, c1974.
