  • 學位論文


A Case Study On The Social Networking Of The 20th Century’s Russian Art Director Sergej Diaghilev

指導教授 : 曾介宏


在過去的四百年裡,支持藝術領域方面的組織,已經大量出現了。在大多數國家,同時也存在著由國家的力量來支持表演藝術的情形。但事實是,如果只有政府的支持,表演藝術團體是無法生存下去的。因此,那些缺乏預算的表演藝術團體,要想繼續生存下去,就變得越來越困難了。由此可見,那些藝術團體若期望能繼續發展下去,就得想辦法獲得更多的補助,像是尋找贊助者等。而在這之中最主要的挑戰在於,表演藝術團體的贊助商並無法從中獲得充分的好處,因此容易轉而以捐贈的方式來進行贊助。 本研究旨在找出各種不同的方法來吸引贊助商對藝術表演活動的投資,期望藉由分析”俄羅斯芭蕾舞團”成功的發展經驗來研究其相關的運作模式,進而找到可以做為其他藝術活動在發展上參考的可能。 ”俄羅斯芭蕾舞團”是由俄羅斯一位極具才華的藝術管理者斯洛垓•德亞茲列夫(Sergej Diaghilev)創立的,該舞團同時也是第一個能在歐洲進行巡迴演出二十多年的表演團體。 一般來說,大部份針對Diaghilev.的研究都將他成功的主因歸於其獨特的個人特質。然而,Diaghilev所以能成為那麼成功的藝術經理人,並不僅僅是因為他的個人特質。因此,本研究將專注在建構出Diaghilev, 是如何將各種資源統合起來的過程。 本研究運用社會性網絡工具,針對Diaghilev與贊助團體的互動來進行了解,期望透過對該團體網絡的深入分析探討他成功的因素。這些發現或許有助於藝術經理人和表演藝術團體的發展,讓他們在面對市場競爭以及決定未來的方向時能做出更好的選擇。


Over the last 400 years, great amounts of intuitions have been established to help support art. Although most countries have a state-supported system for the performing art, there is evidence to show that performing art cannot exist with only governmental support. Due to lack of financial support, it becomes extremely difficult for performing art groups to stay active or stand the competition. Development of performing art group requires additional support, such as sponsorship; the main challenge here is that there are not many benefits that performing art groups can offer the sponsor, and, in most cases, sponsoring turns into donating. This study aims to define multiple ways in which performing art groups can attract sponsors by analyzing the successful development of the Russian ballet troupe called “Russian Ballet” created by Russia’s most talented art manager, Sergej Diaghilev. Research or articles about Diaghilev only examined how his personal qualities lead him to success; however, personal qualities are not the only reasons he gained success. This research, therefore, will concentrate on how Diaghilev’s method of social networking process of the art group. This study applies social network theory to research the sponsorship networking of Diaghilev’s group and make an in-depth analysis of network linkages to find out the reasons of his success.


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