  • 學位論文


A Research on the Traditional Wooden House of Miao Minority Case studies of Fan and Yao Overhanging Houses

指導教授 : 林會承
共同指導教授 : 黃士娟


摘 要 風土建築雖非主流學術殿堂中的典範,卻是各民族生活沈澱與經驗累積的智慧精粹。 本研究以苗族傳統木構建築為主體,範圍為黔東南之苗族居住區域,研究方法從文獻分 析、田野調查訪談與實地測繪記錄等三方面進行。研究內容嘗試將苗族建築做梗概性 分析整理,包含公共建築和家屋建築兩大部分。研究精要聚焦於苗族木樓建築結構之 分析,研究實體為二棟苗族典型木構民居,分別位於貴州省錦屏縣清水江北岸平略鎮 之鬥寨范氏古宅及南岸河口鎮之姚氏故居。此二棟建築分別類屬於斜坡式和平台式之 苗族傳統木樓典型台基,研究期間詳實記錄二棟木樓重建的過程,包含其平面空間、 使用功能、建築工具、營建工法與建構流程等資料,記錄方式分為影像、繪圖(測繪手 稿、Auto CAD 電腦繪圖)以及工作日誌等三大部分;重建過程同時調查訪談傳統建築 工匠和耆老,以了解苗族解建築風俗,保存在地思考與脈絡意義之紀實,希冀為苗族 建築研究留下最忠實的資料。 本研究之最終目的希望歸總出苗族建築之特色與其隱性知識力量,達到為文化遺 產保存與人類智慧傳承的基本任務。研究成果呈現分為技術紀實與文化省思兩部分: 兩棟建築實體測繪詳細資料紀錄,為過往研究對於實務數據取得不易,提供了苗族木 樓住宅各面向的結構圖和尺寸數據的樣本資料;在深沉文化思維體認上,從歷史文化、 工藝技術、空間使用等面向探討苗族木構住宅的特色,進而從中探索、發掘出可供現代 建築參考學習及效法施用的有益因素,藉以推衍台灣坡地建築之省思。


Abstract Vernacular architecture may not be regarded as a paradigm in the main-stream academia, however, it represents the living experience and wisdom from the people of different nationalities. This paper researches into the traditional wooden-structure residence of Miao Minority in the Southeastern Guizhou Province, China. The research methods include literature analysis, field interviews, and on-site measurements. The researcher attempts to conduct an analytical study of Miao’s housing, mainly public buildings and domestic residences, and focuses on the wooden-structure analysis of two typical Miao’s stilt houses. One, Fan’s stilt house, situates on the north bank of Cing Shuei River in Jin Bing County, and the other, Yao’s, locates on the south bank. Both houses were built in wooden-structure base of traditional Miao Minority, one in slope style and the other in platform. The research documented the rebuilt processes of the two wooden-structure houses, including the plane and space layout, functionalities, construction tools, methods and procedures through images-recording, sketches (hand-drawing and Auto CAD) and research journals. During the rebuilt period, interviews with traditional construction workers and elder people were conducted to get a better understanding of the vernacular architecture of Miao Minority, to document the thinking of local communities, and to preserve a sound database for architecture researches of the Miao Minority. The ultimate goal of the research lies in summarizing the unique characteristics of the Miao Minority architecture and the wisdom and knowledge behind, and preserving the cultural heritage and human intelligence. The research outcomes can be elaborated in two parts: cultural documentation and reflection. The detailed measurement data of two houses provide precious sample records of the construction figures and databases of Miao architecture. It is the researcher’s hope that through the study of traditional wooden-structure residence of Miao Minority from the historical and cultural prospects, construction techniques, and space usage, some beneficial factors may be explored and re-discovered for the references of modern architecture design, and provides insights for the buildings on the slope in Taiwan.


清 《苗俗記》。台北:新文豐出版公司(1989 年 , 新文豐出版公司編輯部《叢書集
清 《黔記》。台北:新文豐出版公司(1986 年 , 新文豐出版公司編輯部《叢書集成
(1973 年 , 芮逸夫(編))。
