  • 學位論文


"The way we move II", the actor and the role of the shuttle in the real practice note addresses.

指導教授 : 姚海星


這篇論文將論述我從排練初期,蒐集資料,發展劇本和角色的過程,到中期的田野調查,角色分析和執行等,以及最後我將所有資源整合的過程和演出後的自我檢討。當然包含我在排戲期間碰到的問題,以及我試著從參考資料中或實際執行角色的經驗來驗證自己對表演的新的理解和想法。期望能在畢業製作中做到承接過去的表演經驗,並且開啟未來的表演方向。 本論文將由自身經驗出發,透過畢業製作《你用不上那玩意》的演員工作過程,以及對表演相關參考文獻之閱讀與研究,工作坊和田野調查中,探討演員作為一個表演者之可能性。過去在台大戲劇所受的表演訓練,以史坦尼斯拉夫斯基早期的「方法演技」為主,為我在分析劇本與角色上打下了穩固的基礎。進入到國立台北藝術大學劇場藝術研究所主修表演後,在姚海星老師的表演課裡體認到,作為一個表演者,除了過去我熟悉的寫實表演,方法演技以外,還有更多與聲音,身體和想像有關的可能性值得去探討。 畢業製作《你用不上那玩意》,屬於華人的原創劇作,對語言及戲劇結構和議題的特殊性,是作為我論述從演員到成為角色的過程。因此,在本篇論文裡,我將先說明劇本的創作緣起,以及發展劇本和角色的過程。接著分析劇本的結構和角色之間的關係,最後分享角色執行層面上的困難和導演的美學,以及觀眾迴響和這個製作的演出附件,還有幫助我完成這篇論述的參考資料。最後,透過這次詳盡的紀錄了一個演員如何成為角色的工作過程,期望在我將來從事表演藝術的路上,啟發我成為一個豐富且富有生命力的表演藝術工作者。


This master’s thesis will discuss the early rehearsals I collect information, develop the script and role in the process, to the mid-field investigation, analysis and implementation roles, etc., and finally I will integrate all the resources in the process of self-examination and after the performance. Of course, I included the problems encountered during the rehearsals, and I try to learn from the practical implementation of the reference material or to verify the role of experience in performing their new understanding and ideas. Expect to be able to undertake to achieve graduated production productions past performance experience, and open the future direction of the show. The master’s thesis will be starting their own experience through graduated production of "The way we move II" the actor working process, as well as performing related references of reading and research, workshops and fieldwork to explore the actor as a performer of possibilities. NTU past theatrical performances suffered training to Stanislavsky early "method acting" mainly for my role in the analysis of the script and laid a solid foundation. Into the National Taipei University of the Arts Institute majoring in theater arts performances after the professor Yao’s acting class to realize that, as a performer, I am familiar with realism in addition to past performance, method acting, there are more and Sound , body and imagination to explore the possibility of worth. My graduated production "The way we move II" are Chinese original plays, and the dramatic structure of the language and issues of particularity, as I discussed the role from actor to become the process. Therefore, in this master’s thesis, I will first explain the origin of the creation of the script, and the development of the script and the role of the process. Followed by an analysis of the structure and role play relationship between the executive level roles finally share the difficulties and the director's aesthetics, and the audience response and the production performance accessories, as well as to help me finish this discourse reference. Finally, through this exhaustive record of the role of an actor how to become a working process, expect my future in the performing arts in the way that inspired me to become a rich and full of vitality arts workers.


Hagen, Uta,陳佳穗譯,《演員的挑戰》,台北:書林,2011。
Stanislavsky, Konstantin,鄭雪來譯,《演員自我修養》,北京:中國電影出版社,1985。
Donnellan, Declan,馬汀尼、陳大任譯,《演員與標靶》,台北:聲音空間,2010。
Hagen, Uta,胡因夢譯,《尊重表演藝術》,台北:漢光,1987。
Lecoq, Jacques,馬照琪譯,《詩意的身體》,苗栗:桂冠,2005。
