  • 學位論文


The Evidence of Unblance-Measurement as an Observing Way

指導教授 : 袁廣鳴


築構在現實之上的非現實感,不斷地逃離現實,反而更逼向無法逃脫的現實。在肉眼所及的範圍內,一直尋找可能的出口,但出口究竟是什麼?只是短暫的忘卻現實,還是想要永遠的離開現實?眼睛張開著,大腦思考著、呼吸著,凡舉生存的一切活動,沒有一刻能超脫現實之外,直至死亡。承認、接受、面對這現實,是我們僅有的最後作為。 我將測量作為重新觀察日常生活的切入方式,測量自我經驗的差距,測量現實與無法被滿足之現實出口的差距。是逼近還是強調出差異,這是件一體兩面的事情,每個人的不同見解與觀看面向,也是人與人之間的生命經驗的差距。在越趨冷漠的世代裡,科技,網路的便利,影像的無所不在,究竟是縮短了此一差距,亦或是將這一差距淹沒在不可見之處,假裝不見。 環視周遭,眾多的日常用品築構出我們的生活型態及方式,而我將這些日常用品一一拿來測量,同時也是從物質世界的小細節開始重新檢視,捨棄掉所有使用目的,這些日常用品將以全新的姿態回到生活當中,並成為人類行為模式的代表樣本。 從視覺上的水平,感官上的平衡到社會上的公平,人們不斷的在調整及追求,這是種本能還是被潛移默化下的心理制約?但這一切的行為無非都是為了求得一個安心穩定的感受。利用水平尺測量調整日常用品的擺放與堆疊,在這過程中,將人類追求安穩的行為與維繫生活之所需的日常用品結合,此時的水平是物理上的水平,也是視覺上的水平,但會是隱藏在日常用品背後,不可見的社會體系與經濟體系的水平嗎?


The non-realistic sense that builds on the foundation of reality, constantly escaping from reality, but instead forcing one closer to the inescapable reality. Searching for the exit from within the scope of the eye, but what exactly is the exit? Just a short getaway to forget reality, or is it an eternal escape from reality? Eyes wide open, brain working, breathing, all the activity that is required to survive, not able to transcend beyond the reality for just one moment, until death. Recognize, accept, and face this reality, are the only options we still possess. I will use measurements as the method of re-examining everyday life, measuring the disparity of self-experience, measuring the disparity between reality and the never fulfilling exit of reality. It may approach unity or emphasize their differences; there are two sides to the subject. In this generation of increasing indifferences, abundance in technology, network convenience, overload of images, has this disparity been shortened, or will they drown this disparity into an obscure place, pretending it no longer exist. Daily necessities are build upon our lifestyles, I will measure these items one by one, at the same time also began to re-examine the small details from the material world, disregarding all their intended purpose; in a new form back to daily life and becoming a representative sample of human behavior patterns. From the level of visual, to the equilibrium of senses, then the fairness of society, people are constantly adjusting and pursuing, is this a kind of instinct or an imperceptible psychological constraints? All these behavior is to obtain a sense of stability and peace of mind. Using the spirit level to measure and adjust objects, in the process of placed and stacked together, combining the pursuit of maintaining a stable behavior required by man in conjunction with the daily necessities of life, the horizontal and level is both physically and visually, but will the invisible social systems and economic systems which are hidden behind the everyday objects be level


亞瑟.丹托ARTHUR C.DANTO著,林雅琪、鄭慧雯譯:《在藝術終結之後:當代藝術與歷史藩籬》,臺北市:麥田出版,2004年。
亞瑟.丹托ARTHUR C.DANTO著,鄧伯宸譯:《美的濫用》,新北市:立緒文化,2008年。
