  • 學位論文

Igor Stravinsky新古典主義作品《管樂八重奏》之研究

A Study on Igor Stravinsky’s Neoclassicism Work Octet for Wind Instruments

指導教授 : 王美珠


本文欲討論作曲家Igor Stravinsky(1882-1971)新古典時期的作品《管樂八重奏》(Octet for wind instruments)如何與「過往」連結。首先說明Harold Bloom(1930- )提出之影響焦慮論與其修正比的概念如何運用於解釋音樂創作的影響,其後將「新古典主義」之歷史脈絡作概念的釐清,並從Stravinsky之生命經驗與其言論的彙整中,提出該作曲家新古典主義音樂風格之思想與作品。在這些作品中,本文將聚焦於1920年代明顯轉變風格的作品《管樂八重奏》,從其創作背景、事件、編制與作品分析,逐步討論《管樂八重奏》中的新古典特質和與過往的連結。


This article discusses how Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) connected his neoclassicism works "Octet for Wind Instruments" with the past. First, this study introduced theory of Anxiety of Influence proposed by Harold Bloom (B. 1930), and how to use this theory's concepts of revisionary ratios to explain the influence of music creation. Second, this article also attempted to interpret the historical context and the concept of neo-classicalism. And then, it claimed to establish the core concept of Stravinsky’s neoclassical stylistic works through integrating Stravinsky’s comments, life of composer experience and other related studies. Third, in his neoclassicism works, this study concentrated his 1920s’ work Octet which Stravinsky's composing style transformed obviously as an example to analyze its content and the structure of the musical text. Eventually, by context, events, chamber ensemble organization and textual analysis of Octet, this article commenced to define characteristics and connection with the past of neo-classical style was presented in the Octet.


Asaf’yev, Boris Vladimirovich. A Book about Stravinsky. Trans. French, Richard F. Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Research Press, 1982.
Blatter, Alfred. Instrumentation and orchestration. New York : Schirmer Books, 1997.
Cone, Edward T. Music, a view from Delft : selected essays. Ed. Morgan, Robert P. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb. Addresses to the German Nation. Trans. Jones, Reginald Foy, and Turnbull, George Henry. Chicago: Open Court, 1922.
Messing, Scott. Neoclassicism in Music: From the Genesis of the Concept through the Schoenberg/4Stravinsky Polemic. U.S.A.: University of Rochester Press, 1996.
