  • 學位論文


The Disappearing of a Mining Site-Taking the Hai-Shan Coal Mine as an Example

指導教授 : 邱博舜


近年來,臺灣的產業遺產保存逐漸受到重視,由於產業遺產往往代表一個區域的特性與蘊含之資源,在臺灣北部因盛產煤礦,出現許多煤業重鎮。但因煤層面積小且不連續的特殊性,形成臺灣產煤區在各區域發展上的差異。60年代後煤業逐漸沒落,多數因煤業興起的城鎮面臨轉型,礦區土地也隨著城市開發的影響而變更使用,如今多數的礦區已不復見。 本文以土城地區的海山煤礦為研究案例,日治時期本區受政策影響,成為煤礦新興地區,山本炭鑛在此時脫穎而出,透過有計畫之整併成為土城第一大礦。戰後更名為海山煤礦,仍是臺灣重要煤礦產區之一,在產量、採礦技術與礦場空間規劃上均有出色表現。但因能源結構改變、市場開放與礦災發生等原因,海山煤礦最終仍走向收坑。由於早期對於礦業遺產的保存觀念尚淺,且因私人產權較為複雜,故海山煤礦所屬的土地與建物遭業主變賣出售而拆除,使原本的礦業遺產及空間特質消失。透過本案例的探討,分析位於都市邊緣之礦業遺產保存之難度與問題。


海山煤礦 礦業遺產


The preservation of Taiwanese industrial site arouses more and more awareness in recent years. As an industrial site often represents the characters and resources in a region, there are many coal mining towns developed in the northern part of Taiwan because of its rich coal mines. But due to the small size and discontinuity of the coal seams, the mining areas develop differently in each region. As the coal mining industry has been depleted since the sixties, many coal mining towns have to face the transition. The usage of land in mining areas changes due to urban development, thus nowadays most mining areas are disappeared. This article takes Hai-Shan Coal Mine in Tucheng District as an example, studying how this region had turn into a popular investment spot due to the policy under the Japanese rule,Yamamoto Coal Mine stood out during this time, as it was planned to be merged into the biggest mine in Tucheng. The mine was renamed after the war and remained as one of the most important coal-producing areas in Taiwan. It has outstanding performances in output, mining technology and space planning aspects. But due to the change of energy structure, open market and mining disasters, the Hai-Shan Coal Mine was shut down eventually. Previously there are seldom concepts about preserving industrial heritage, additionally the private property rights are more complex, therefore the land and buildings of Hai-Shan Coal Mine were sold and demolished by the owner. This leads to the disappearance of its original mining sites and space characteristics. Through this case, the difficulty and problems of preserving a mining site on the urban outskirt are discussed.


Hai-Shan Coal Mine Mining site


