

本文是由個人「記憶」轉化為圖像剖析、探討「認同」議題,藉由圖像語言來拆解這層關連,同時指出因故鄉的政經資源分配不均的現象,導致當地人民往外地學習以提升自或移民以尋找自我認同。 本文主要以一個異國籍的藝術家在他鄉的系列創作作品說明以上的議題,以作品內容、物件、色彩等鋪陳著眼重新檢視傳統與創新的關係。藉由此系列創作來闡述,被迫離家背景的人在空間與社會關係轉變過程中,出現的「新–地方」意義。 本文亦進一步透過版畫技法表達不同時刻徘徊在異域的懷鄉情感、並以離散美學詮釋對家鄉的思念。在從故鄉、異鄉到新故鄉的流變心態中,作品內容一直都緊緊地牽繫著家中「物件」議題,一直省思著整個創作過程是否達到最初“自我”、“家”、“民族”的「認同」目標,以及這樣的作品主題鋪陳是否能感動觀者,甚而藉此發現筆者未來的創作方向。 本創作論述一開始的意圖即是透過「物件」,處理個人「認同」意識的疑問,同時經由家中「物件」的再現與存在,再次肯定自我的身份,藉用藝術創作形式,從「物件」尋找自身「認同」的定位。 因此,在第一章(創作動機)中,以「認同」概念切入,談論有關多元文化與種族的國家在地「認同」意識。此外,持有身份證在地第二代的華裔,在當地卻受到打壓、不公平的對待等,因為種種因素再次被激發身份「認同」意識。尚未準確達到自身「認同」時,必須以自我為探討對象,從自身特色,如:職業、膚色等元素,做出一個歸類系統,追溯背後的重要脈絡。 此外,特別針對「人–個體」、「物件」以及「環境」的認同,探討出一系列的問題與脈絡,最後做出對各屬性的「認同」意識做出初步的結論,並且運用個人「記憶」作為追溯個人、家庭「認同」意識的“材料”。「記憶」默默陳述著家庭過去的故事,而這些「記憶」的畫面足夠證明家庭的故事,以及個人對於父母親的思念養育之情。至於個人「記憶」的層面,試著釐清「人–個體」、「物件」以及「環境」,與「記憶」彼此之間的關係。 最後使用版畫形式處理「認同」概念,強調畫面上個人「記憶」為題材,而且也透過畫面的色彩、內容、構圖,企圖達到「認同」意識。同時分別參考跟此領域相關的藝術家,作為作品對照的依據。


This thesis is to discuss the perception of art to discuss the issue of “identity”. Through the discussion on the personal memories in figuring out the identity value, also by the series of artworks to dissect these connections in above mentioned issues. Because of the injustice situation occurred at homeland to lead a scene of the citizen leaving their country to make the improvement on them in other countries. Narrating an alien artist’s artworks in a strange land through the format of content, subject matters, colors, and review of the contrasting new and traditional ideas. The artworks emphasize the issues of diaspora concept, mention that the progress of a vagabond in a forcing status to leave their country. Also expression of the tense relationship between the society and personal living space creates an alternative thinking value. Writer plans to express in works of nostalgic, interpret the diaspora concept via printmaking. The artworks are connecting to the issues that the way of thinking from a changing hometown to a strange land, and re-judgment of the diaspora scene in the new generation nowadays. All the thoughts here is trying to get the target on identity of “personality”, “home” and “races”, and connecting the audience through the artworks. Finally, it will figure out the future direction of the art making within the same ideas. The thesis starts by using the “objects” in Yow family as the starting point to interpret the personal “identity” idea. At the same time, re-finding out the “identity ”on the “Yow Objects”, through the reconstruction and existence status in the Yow Family. The first chapter is discussing how to get the “identity” consciousness in a multiple cultures and races country. For a special case in this thesis, the writer is Chinese Malaysian holding the Malaysia identity card, but he still doesn’t have the similar resources from the government compare with other “righteous” races in Malaysia. Because of the unjust treatments, he rises up the “identity” awareness of culture and races in the society. The research target has setup towards to writer is identity issue, and starts from the personal characteristics, like the color skin of the races, and other social hierarchical discussion. On the other hand, the discussion on the “identity” issue are emphasize in the perception categories of “human/individual”, “objects”, and “environment”. Through the analysis of them, takes the personal memories as a considering tool to review the family history for reaching the “identity”. The writer recalls the stories of his family, and the stories become the witnesses in his family history. In his “memories” discussion, tries to clarify the relationship of those perception categories mentioned above. The techniques of printmaking become the way of expression to reach the “identity” issue in this thesis, and the subject matter in the artworks all are related with the writer “family memories”. Besides, the color, content, composition using on the artworks are all trying to hit the target of clarifying “identity” too. These experiences will keep on making creation intention clearer in the future.


2.Beth Grabowski & Bill Fick. Printmaking- A Complete Guide To Materials And Processes. London :Laurence King Publishing Ltd.
6.Robert Atkins. Art Spoke. New York: Abbeville Press. 


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