  • 學位論文


A Study on the Changlong Settlement in Jiadong

指導教授 : 林會承


本研究以佳冬鄉「昌隆庄」作為研究對象,探討一個客家聚落的形成變遷以及何以有今日樣貌。本研究主要以文獻考證、田野調查兩者並行作為研究方法。以各類私人或官方文獻等作為基礎史料,同時進行田野調查、耆老訪談作為研究之佐證,進而發現問題,再經由論證方能使研究更為精準。 「昌隆庄」位於屏東縣佳冬鄉,現今的行政區域為佳冬鄉昌隆村、豐隆村。大正九年(1920)以前,昌隆庄為一個獨立的行政區域,之後則納入高雄州東港郡佳冬庄的轄區內;戰後,昌隆庄被一分為二,其中一部分與鄰近的三間屋、武丁潭等聚落共組為豐隆村。雖然被分為兩村,昌隆庄仍維持聚落的完整性,未有太大變化。 清康熙年間,大批移民就進入墾屏東平原。晚到的客家移民沿著東港溪往上,於湧泉帶延續原鄉生活方式;其中有一部份人渡過林邊溪建立東埔庄,也就是日後所稱的昌隆。聚落的發展依循村中南北走向馬路而成,先由東昌路形成老庄,而後沿著西昌路形成新庄,最後沿著日治時期所闢之縱貫道(中正路)發展成今日的聚落規模。昌隆庄的形成,除了建築物外,還有仰賴「嘗」、「會」等組織來經營、發展。戰後,昌隆因著種植香蕉而提高了庄民的經濟能力,進而改變了建築物及地景樣貌;在社群活動、信仰上,仍維持舊有傳統。 在本文研究中,昌隆庄做為客家移民入墾佳冬地區的第一站,就歷史層面來說,並未有顯著的影響力。而其聚落的發展,受到鄰近閩南聚落的影響,雖無法保留傳統客家之文化,但也呈現了閩客融合的特殊性。


屏東 聚落 空間景觀變遷 客家


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the settlement reclamation and tribe relationship at Changlong settlement. I conduct research by means of document collections, field investigations, interviews, and literature reviews to establish the historical and cultural database of Changlong. Changlong is located at Jiadong Township, Pingtung County, and is included in the administrative regions of Changlong village and Fenglong village. Before 1920, Changlong was a separate administrative area. After 1945, Changlong was divided into two villages, some part of which with Sanjianwu, Wudingtan merger Fenglong village. Although the village was divided into two, Changlong still maintained the integrity of the settlement, and had not changed much. Around the 30th year of Kangxi Emperor, a large number of immigrants entered Pingtung Plain. Along the Donggang River, the late Hakka immigrants remained its original lifestyle. Some of the Hakka immigrants came across the Linbian River and established Dongpu, later called Changlong. In accordance with the settlement development of the north-south direction, the Laozhuang was first formed along the Dongchang Road, and then the formation of the Xinzhuang along the Xichang Road. Finally, the development of settlements along the Chungcheng Road opened in the Japanese colonial period. The formation of settlements, in addition to the buildings, rely on "chang"(嘗), "hui"(會) and other organizations for development. After 1945, the villagers made improvement in life standards by planting and selling bananas, and the economic development helped change the appearance of buildings and landscapes; nevertheless, community activities and beliefs remained the the same. In this study, Changlong is the first stop to which Jiadong Hakka immigrated; from the perspectives of historical development, it did not show a significant influence. Its settelement development, influenced by the neighboring Taiwanese settlements, fails to retain the traditional Hakka culture; however, it presents the particularity of Taiwanese and Hakka integration.


Pingtung Settlement Landscape Hakka.


