  • 學位論文

台灣社會對外來移民態度之研究-- 以外事警政及警界外事人員為例

A Study of Taiwanese Attitude toward Immigrants--the Case of Foreign Affairs Policemen

指導教授 : 李美賢


外事警察主要在執行外國人以及新移民在我國國境內的相關警政業務,因而素有警界之外交官之稱。就外事警政的訓練與期待而言,外事人員處理相關業務時,對外國人及外國文化有較多的接觸與認識,一切應依法辦理,並秉持行政中立與「一視同仁」的態度。本研究企圖觀察了解,這樣的理想是否能確實落實於實踐層次上。近年來,由於「外籍勞工」與「外籍新娘」入境之數量與日俱增,外事警政單位的業務也隨之增加並受到高度關注。本研究試圖了解,外事警察執行相關業務時,面對外國人,是否保持行政客觀中立?有無「排斥外來移民」的排外意識存在?或是面對不同的外來族群,是否有差異對待的現象存在? 台灣社會面對外來移民的態度,近年來學界有許多的研究。這些研究觀察的面向包括:種族化的國族主義、國籍法的政策內涵分析、媒體的建構、以及社會民眾對移民政策之態度等等。而本研究就外事警政作為研究分析主體,不僅可以與以上相關研究對話,對我國移民政策的制定與執行面皆有重要的檢視與反省意義,因為,面對外來移民,若執我國移民日常事務的外事警察,都出現偏差態度或歧視意識或差異對待,更遑論一般的社會大眾對外來者或移民政策的態度了。 本研究透過(1)分析外事警政規劃執行有關外國人勤務的資料分析,(2)針對外事人員進行相關深度訪談,以及(3)於服務櫃檯觀察外事人員執行日常業務之態度等。希望透過這三方面的資料,了解外事警察對外來移民的態度為何。


外來移民 差異對待 問題化


The purpose of this study aims to describe how Taiwan community treats the immigrants. As we know, although our community was established by immigrants, a lot of local people do not accept the situation nowadays that lots of immigrants move to Taiwan, especially those who were from the South-East Asian countries. Many studies had indicated that the local community treats immigrants in an unequal way. For example, immigration political policies are contained with “Nationalism”, or the mass media set up an ugly image for the South-East Asian women. The media assumes that they got married here for money. In Taiwan community, the Foreigner Affairs Policemen (F.A.P) have a much closer relationship with immigrants than local people. When immigrants come to Taiwan, they have to apply for alien residential certification(A.R.C). If immigrants want to stay in Taiwan over 1 year, they have to apply for it. Under the Department of Foreigner Affairs, every police bureau sets up a service center. The F.A.P are playing a role of receiver in our community. So I take the F.A.P as a sample in my study to describe what is in their mind and what their attitude is when they get contact with immigrants. My study contains three parts. First, nationalism has been rooted in the immigration policing policy for a long time. Second, this study tries to unveil what the F.A.P think when they face immigrants. And the last part is to see how the F.A.P treat immigrants in the service center. Our community has discrimination against immigrants. That is responded to my study. My study is aimed to reveal and describe how the F.A.P treat immigrants in an unequally way. And you can find the difference between European, American and South-East Asian immigrants in the contact occasion and the mind of the F.A.P.




