  • 學位論文


Adaptation and Self-identities of Taiwanese Young Return Migrants

指導教授 : 姜蘭虹


1980年代,政治解嚴之後,台灣經歷了一段政治與社會皆動盪不安的時期,在經濟起飛時期所產生的中小企業主及中產階級,為了尋求較佳的生活環境以及子女的教育資源,開始有了移居海外的想法;1987年,政府對於一般民眾移居海外的情形不再加以管制,適逢海外各國陸續施行投資移民法案,使這些有意願移居各國的潛在移民,能符合各國所設立的移入條件,於是台灣移居海外的人數開始大量增加。 近年來,海外移民出現了回流的趨勢,由於缺乏完整的官方統計資料,本研究採用多元方法,參考相關次級資料,以出生於台灣、於1980年後自台灣移出的1.5代移民為研究族群,在台灣各地進行深度訪談並參與觀察,期望藉由質性研究方式來了解他們遷移的經驗。研究發問包含移出及回流原因,回流後的適應情形及自我認同,以及未來的再遷移計畫,希望能描繪出其整體遷移的歷程與輪廓。 本研究包含35位受訪者,均具有大專以上學歷及流利的外語能力,職業類型則包含工程師、設計師、教師、貿易人員、研究員…等不同領域。近半數的回流移民曾有居住第三國的經驗,但情形並不同於空中飛人(astronaut)或循環式遷移型態(circulatory migration)。他們的遷移經驗相當具多元性,遷移原因、回流後之適應情形,及自我認同,皆會依不同的個人背景與移居國家而呈現出不同的風貌,但仍可看出部份的一致性,反映出時代背景與社會脈絡。 從研究結果可得知,1.5代移民當年移出原因主要受政治與教育因素所影響,之後為了學業、家人團聚、就業、婚姻…等因素,而決定回流台灣;回流決策的產生包含了多重考量,除了個人因素,也受到大環境的影響。回流者即使生於台灣,在台灣有過數年的生活經驗,回流後仍需經歷一段重新適應的時期,適應的程度及所需的時間,與個人的年齡、個性、語言能力及過往經歷…有關。由於生命的各個階段在不同的國家渡過,年輕移民的身份認同情形顯得複雜,代表著個人對於土地的歸屬感與自我的定位。身份的選擇,除了會受到出生地、公民身份,與居留權等客觀事實的影響,也會因受訪者當下的情形而改變;多數回流移民認為自己是「台灣人」,或是選擇台灣及移居地人民的複合身份,少數受訪者仍對於自我身份認同的選擇顯得猶豫與不確定。回流移民雖對於再次移出皆抱持著開放的態度,但只有7位受訪者有明確的移出計畫與時間,多數受訪者認為自己會永遠留在台灣。


回流移民 1.5代 適應 自我認同 質性研究


The number of Taiwanese emigrants has increased greatly since 1980s. Among the various reasons accounting for this increase, rapid economic growth, political instability, an increase of personal income and the relaxation of restrictions permitting citizens to go abroad as tourists starting in 1989 are foremost. Other important factors are the introduction of economic and business migration policies by various countries targeting skilled and entrepreneurial groups. Recently, there is an increasing number of returning young Taiwanese migrants from abroad. They emigrated earlier with their parents at young age, but have returned as grown-ups. With qualitative research methods, composed of in-depth interviews and semi-structure questionnaires, this research would like to discuss the motivation of these returnees, the adaptation process and self-identities after returning. Interviewees of this report were from the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina. There were 35 interviews conducted by snow-ball sampling from July, 2008 to January, 2009. Interviewees were drawn from different professions such as finance, commerce, computer sciences, information technology, and biological engineering. This report indicates young migrants returned for multiple considerations including family and marriage reasons, getting better jobs, escaping serious economic recession and so forth. Even born and living in Taiwan before, returnees still had to experience re-adaptation process. The factors of re-adaptation are including individual reasons, such as age, sex, personal experiences, and the influence from the majority in the host countries. According to the content of interviews, most returnees considerate they are Taiwanese. This choice reveals the decision of returnees to stay in Taiwan and the connection between them and hometown although some interviewees are still uncertain about their identities. Most returnees said they may stay permanently in Taiwan while 7 interviewees have planed re-emigration in the future.


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