  • 學位論文


Identity Formation of young Taiwanese Immigrations – A Case Study of Melbourne

指導教授 : 姜蘭虹


本研究欲探討澳洲的台灣年輕移民, 其生活適應與身份認同的過程。本研究至澳洲墨爾本實地找尋受訪者進行深入訪談, 受訪者抽樣的方式採用滾雪球的方法。訪談資料一共為21 人,分別為13 位男性與8 位女性,並藉由訪談內容進行分析,而獲得研究結果。 這些在台灣出生的年輕移民,受過國小甚至到國中若干年的台灣正規學校教育, 本身擁有中國儒家文化背景的原生家庭, 接受著父母親的要求與管教方式。然而當他們移居到一個具有多元文化特性, 人種複雜且以英語溝通為主的澳洲之後, 首要面臨的是語言溝通不良。英語能力不足的問題, 也會在求學階段讓課業學習以及人際交友上, 產生衍生性的問題。他們一方面努力地學習英語, 一方面在日常生活的場域中找尋人際關係上的歸屬感。在研究當中發現, 台灣年輕移民的交友狀況, 仍然以台灣人為主。影響他們找尋對象的除了自己的認同與具備的語言能力之外, 家人給予的限制或範圍也是一項重要的因素。當年輕移民的交友狀況符合家人的期望時, 這種認同將會被強化; 而當交友情況不符家人期望時, 年輕移民在家庭與在學校或職場等其他場域所展現的認同便會有所不同。語言能力與人際關係, 是交互影響的, 語言能力影響人際交往的範圍, 交友對象的選擇也會自然而然地強化移民的語言能力。 年輕移民進入職場之後,家庭背景對他們的影響力大幅減弱,然而這並不表示家庭的力量對年輕移民沒有影響, 而是提早在職業選擇, 甚至是大學科系的選擇時, 就已經事先發揮作用。這時的年輕移民可選擇接收的資訊更為多元, 但在此時期的年輕移民, 對於自我的身分認同的經驗選擇, 卻是更為狹窄的。他們由於在原生家庭及求學階段已累積了許多認同經驗, 因此, 他們在職場時的自我認同, 則會更受到語言能力、人際關係、以及過去經驗累積而成的價值觀的影響。雖然他們不見得具有跟當地人一樣好的英語能力, 也不一定擁有如同原生地台灣人一樣好的中文能力, 但年輕移民對他們所具有雙元或是多元的文化背景, 是信心十足的, 他們普遍認為多元文化與認同是他們在全球化下有利的資本, 有時更成為在除了在澳洲當地之外, 即使到台灣、中國大陸、亞洲其他國家、甚至是世界各地的優勢競爭力。


適應 身分認同 1.5 代 台灣移民 澳洲


This research focuses on the self-identity and life adaptation of young Taiwanese immigration to Australia. This research is based on in-depth interviews with 21 young immigrants using snow ball sampling methods in Melbourne, Australia. Twenty-one respondents, including 13 males and 8 females were interviewed. These young immigrants born in Taiwan were educated and disciplined traditionally in their original families. However, when they moved to a multi-cultural and complex race country, Australia, they had to communicate with people in English. The deficiency of their English abilities resulted in the problem of their schooling and interpersonal relationships. Therefore, they learned English hard or just used Chinese to look for people who they could make friends with. Their interpersonal relationship would be influenced by their language abilities and family expectation. If their family members like the friends they make, their identification will be strengthened up; if not, they may behave in a different way. As languages can affect their interpersonal relationship, their friends may enhance young immigrants’ language ability naturally. After getting into career fields, family influence on young immigrants will lessen. However it doesn’t mean family has no influence on young immigrants but(delete this) at the time for choosing career and university major. From that, we can see the gap between identity and their original family expectation. After young immigrants have graduated and got into careers, they may adapt themselves to the career environment. Due to their dual or multi-culture background, those young immigrants are much more competitive not only in Australia but also in Taiwan, China, Asia, and even all over the world.


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