  • 學位論文


The identity of the second generation Taiwanese migrants in Japan: Citizens VS Denizens

指導教授 : 曾嬿芬


本論文研究對象為1970年代後由台灣移居日本的台僑及其子女,想了解歸化日本籍和保持台灣公民身分的台僑第二代,兩者的認同協商過程有何異同?從公民身分(citizenship)、族群性(ethnicity)、雙重身分(dual membership)的概念出發,本文透過深度訪談及田野觀察來探討以下幾個問題:(1)永住與歸化兩種身分如何造成台僑第二代在認同上的差異;(2)如何影響台僑第二代看待台灣和日本間的關係;(3)這些差異又如何影響他們對於擁有雙重身分的思考。 本研究發現:首先,日本的移民整合政策使得申請永住比歸化更加困難,即使歸化在日本社會中較為有利,永住者卻不選擇歸化,認為處在中間(in between)也可以。其次,歸化者在認同自己時考慮到和日本民族沒有血緣關係,因此在成長過程中,將經歷從台灣認同變日本認同的轉折經驗;永住者一方面在日本生長,缺乏長期在台生活經驗,導致和台灣生長者相處時會自覺是他者。這時,「華僑」做為避風港,使自己不必侷限於台灣人或日本人的單一認同。此外,第二代的中文能力與在台生活經驗也影響認同,依照中文能力及在台生活經驗的有無可分為台灣人、日本人、國際人、台裔日人等多元認同。最後,若同時具備台日公民身分,對台僑而言是多一層保護,永住者本身有台灣護照及日本的永住的雙重公民身分,歸化者第二代即使可以成為雙重國籍者,但只有在台就業及生活者希望取得。上述發現,有助於理解移民對於申請雙重身分的考量因素,未來希望可以擴大討論台日跨國婚姻子女的認同。


認同 公民身分 永住 歸化 雙重身分 族群性 華僑


This research aims to understand the process of identity formation of the second generation of Taiwanese expatriates who emigrated to Japan in the 1970s, especially why many of them have had a different choice in terms of citizenship from their parents’. Via in-depth interviews and field observations, this research tackles with following puzzles. First, the different effect of the first-generation expatriates’ choice between two kinds of citizenship in Japan -- “permanent resident” (永住,denizen) and “naturalization” (歸化) -- on their children’s identity formation. Second, how such a process affects the attitudes of the second-generation expatriates toward the relationship between Taiwan and Japan. Third, how the second-generation expatriates face their alleged “dual membership”? This research argues that, first, though the Japanese migration policy has made the ratification of denizen more difficult than that of naturalization, many second-generation expatriates still choose to be a denizen for its flexibility of being “in between.” Such a position enables them to enjoy near full citizenship in both Taiwan and Japan without being strictly tied to either nationalities. Second, those who choose to be naturalized have encountered emotional impacts on their roads of identification. Such a choice are generally affected by their linguistic capabilities and living experiences in Taiwan. These findings improve our understandings of migrants’ choice on citizenships. It may also contribute to our knowledge of the identity politics of children under transnational marriage as well.


