  • 期刊


Contemporary Immigration of Chinese in Australia


1980年代以來,華人移民澳洲的人數戲劇性的增加。尤其是1981年11月實施的商業移民政策,吸引了包括台灣、香港、大陸等地具有技術和企業團體的華人移民澳洲。 研究結果發現,1996年台灣出生移民爲19,547人,相對於香港及大陸出生,台灣出生移民的人數是比較少的。由移民的趨勢來看台灣出生移民大都是1980年後才來到澳洲的,其居留澳洲的高峰期在1989-1992年間,而幅度與增減情形與香港出生移民類似。年齡結構上,1996年以15-24歲者最多,性別比爲81.1,年齡中位數爲24.1歲,相對於香港、大陸與澳洲整體,年齡結構年輕,且有年輕化的趨勢。在勞動力上, 1996年台灣出生移民就業人口不高,失業率爲19.6%。在就業上,多數台灣出生移民從事批發、零售、住宿與餐飲業,而其職業結構上,男性的工作普遍集中在經理階層、行政主管與專業技術人員等層次的職業,而女性則集中在中級事務員以及服務人員等層面。另外,台灣出生移民以普通話和閩南話爲主要語言,且主要信仰佛教。 台灣出生移民主要分佈在新南威爾斯、昆士蘭和維多利亞三省,而香港與大陸出生移民則主要的分布在新南威爾斯和維多利亞省。同時約有83%的台灣出生移民集中在雪梨、布里斯本和墨爾本三大都市中,而且以雪梨的比例爲最高,布里斯本次之。相較於澳洲所有人口的集中情形,其集中於都市的比率是偏高的。 事實上,統計資料對於澳洲台灣移民整體概況的描繪,是非常重要的。其結果,可以在實地訪查時更能掌握社群背景與研究方向。


澳洲 華人 移民 台灣移民 普查 遷移


The 1980s marked the beginning of a new wave of Chinese immigration to settlement in Australia. They have been mostly from an upper-middle class background with both professional skills and considerably secure capital resources. This trend is a result of developments in Australia and the Asia-Pacific countries and the Australian shift their immigration policy with increasing emphasis placed on business and skill migrants in late 1980s. Like Hong Kong-born, since the mid-1980s, the number of Taiwan-born immigrants has increased dramatically and the majority of them arrived in Australia between 1989 and 1992. There were only 877 Taiwan-born immigrants residing in Australia in 1981. However, this figure skyrocketed to 12, 958 in 1991 and 19, 547 in 1996. This was related to the Hong Kong-born and China-born immigrants, the numbers was smaller. Compared with them, in 1996 census, the age structure of Taiwan-born immigrants was younger. At the same census, the unemployment rates (UR) of Taiwan-born, Hong Kong-born and China-born immigrants are 19.6%, 9.7%, 13.4%. As for occupational structures, male Taiwan-born migrants tend to occupy managerial, executive and professional positions, whereas the females take up positions in intermediate clerical, sales and service tasks. Thus, the occupational status of the male migrants is much higher than the females. According to 1996 census, 83% Taiwan-born persons lived in three major cities. The main reason for choosing to locate in Sydney was more commercial opportunities and they favored the northern part of Sydney. Most of those are for the reason of good climate to choose Brisbane and they favored live around the Sunnybank areas in south Brisbane. For their children education who choose to live in Melbourne, especially the areas where near the good schools. 82.6% of them spoke Mandarin and Hokkien at home and 25.7% identified themselves as Buddhism.


Australia Chinese Immigrants Taiwanese immigrants Census Migration


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Bumley, I.(2001).The Impact of Immigration on Australia-A Demographic Approach.Victoria:Oxford University Press.


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