  • 學位論文


Australia’s Technological Innovation Competitiveness: An Evaluation from “IPO-OECD Analysis Process Model”

指導教授 : 黃兆仁


論文摘要 本研究旨在以巨觀之國家層次,建立IPO-OECD分析流程構面模式,引用2000~2005六年期間之OECD科技創新衡量指標統計資料,進行澳洲科技創新競爭力之分析,以檢視觀察澳洲自2001年啟動「能力後盾」計畫,致力科技創新發展之成效。 經由檢視分析IPO-OECD流程構面整合模式之IPO三個流程與OECD三個構面競爭力發展態勢,在IPO三個流程競爭力方面顯示,投入資源流程競爭力排名第9名,呈現上升趨勢,居於稍強位階;過程轉換流程競爭力排名第15名,呈現上升趨勢,居於尚可位階;成果產出流程競爭力排名第13名,呈現下降趨勢,居於尚可位階。總和平均資源投入、過程轉換與成果產出三個流程競爭力之排名,澳洲科技創新競爭力之綜效表現,位居OECD國家的第12名,呈現出之持平趨勢,同時居於稍強位階。 然而在OECD三個構面競爭力方面顯示,研究發展構面競爭力排名第10名,呈現持平趨勢,居於稍強位階;資通科技構面競爭力排名第11名,呈現下降趨勢,居於稍強位階;通訊構面競爭力排名第21名,呈現上升趨勢,居於稍弱位階。總和平均研究發展、資通科技與通訊三個構面競爭力之排名,澳洲科技創新競爭力之綜效表現,位居OECD國家的第14名,呈現出之持平趨勢,但居於尚可位階。 總結歸納科技創新流程與構面競爭力之檢視分析與趨勢觀察結果,澳洲科技創新競爭力之綜效表現,排名在OECD國家的第13名,呈現持平之發展趨勢,同時居於尚可之位階。 歸納解讀澳洲科技創新競爭力,同時發現: 一、顯現持平發展態勢而未見明顯成效。 二、顯現發展進程遞延效果現象。 三、顯現競爭者追趕超越警訊。 四、未來競爭力優於現在競爭力與轉換效率。 五、研究發展優於資通科技與通訊競爭力。 六、OECD科技創新衡量指標顯現聚焦於資通科技領域。 七、澳洲須強化科技創新統合效率,以提昇國家競爭力。


澳洲 科技創新 競爭力


Abstract The purposes of this study focus on an analysis on competitiveness in technological innovation of Australia in a marco-level on country through establishing a named IPO-OECD analysis processes model along with adopting statistical data of those measurements of technology and innovation generated and published by OECD within 2000~2005 to achieve, while where targeting on inspecting the accomplishments of the extents of the plan empowered with “Backing Australia” starting since 2001. Throughout inspecting and analyzing to the competitiveness of developing coverages, outcomes and trends generated from those three processes and three dimensions set in IPO-OECD analysis processes model, in these three processes of IPO, the process of input resources shows its trend toward increasing up while ranking at the ninth and rating in high-low level. And the process of process transition demonstrates its trend toward increasing up while ranking at the fifteenth and rating in middle level. Yet the process of output performance indicates its trend toward decreasing down while ranking at thirteen and rating in middle-level. With consolidating results in trend, rank and rate from inspection and observation into those three processes of IPO, the Australian competitiveness on technology and innovation explores its ranking at the twelveth, reflecting its trend toward remaining stably even, as well as rating in high-low level, within thirty countries in OECD. In those three measuring dimensions of OECD on competitiveness in technology and innovation, the dimension of R&D shows its trend toward remaining even while ranking at the tenth and rating in high-low level. And the dimension of ICT demonstrates its trend toward decreasing down while ranking at the eleventh and rating in high-low level. Still the dimension of communication indicates its trend toward increasing up while ranking at the twenty-one and rating in low-high level. With consolidating results in trend, rank and rate from inspection and observation into those three dimensions of OECD, the Australian competitiveness on technology and innovation explores its ranking at the fourteenth, reflecting its trend toward remaining stably even, as well as rating in middle level, within thirty countries in OECD. Eventually, to summarize the results of analysis and the trends of observation mentioned above, the competitiveness in technology and innovation for Australia demonstrates its ranking at the thirteenth, reflecting its trend toward remaining stably even, as well as rating in middle level, within thirty countries in OECD. The conclusions, however, with looking into the analysis on competitiveness in technology and innovation for Australia, there are a series of major findings observed, stated as follows. 1. Developing in a stable even trend and showing up developing performance in progress but not obvious. 2. Indicating a delay effect coming up in processes. 3. Exploring an alerting signal to surpass by competitor. 4. Demonstrating the competitiveness for future transcending for the current competitiveness as well as for the transformation efficiency. 5. Displaying the competitiveness in research and development transcending in information and communication technology as well as in communication. 6. Displaying existing discrepancies contrasting with measurements to technology and innovation of OECD. 6. Showing up OECD’s technology and innovation measurements focusing on information and communication technologies. 7. Australia must strengthen the integrating efficiency in technology and innovation as to promote Australian overall competitiveness.


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