  • 學位論文


In Course of Archaeological Interpretation and An Archaeological Analysis of Artifacts: A Case Study at Tamalin Site, Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉益昌


大馬璘遺址的發現、調查與發掘,是一個橫亙在不同時代背景下的理解歷程。在世代跨越、更迭的時序過程中,理解大馬璘遺址的研究取向及其特色,亦會因當時的研究解讀與學術脈絡而有所不同。而筆者認為,透過區辨不同階段中對於大馬璘遺址的認識過程,將有助於對埔里盆地內新石器晚期史前文化的更全面、更關鍵的理解。因此,本文中第一部分的重心在於探討各個階段中對大馬璘遺址的詮釋過程,從不同時期的解釋脈絡下,釐清哪些文化要素是大馬璘遺址的組成要素,並藉此考古學知識的建構基礎導向下一個部份的討論。 本文的第二部分著重於與營埔文化間類緣關係的討論,透過參與2008年開始的大馬璘遺址發掘工作,立基於發掘、分析所得的理解,進而討論大馬璘遺址在區域架構這一個層面上的意義。大馬璘遺址位於東、西部史前文化交匯的特殊位置,本文試圖針對與營埔文化的類緣要素的對比與討論,呈現大馬璘遺址史前文化的屬性,以及與其他地區的互動關係。除卻以此次大馬璘遺址的發掘資料、統計分析為基礎,在區域互動的詮釋層面上,筆者認為需綜合歷次發掘所建立的理解基礎,以及在不同思考邏輯下對發掘資料的合理解釋。歷次的發掘與解釋脈絡,都是驅使與推動大馬璘遺址考古研究與遺址認識這段漫長旅程的關鍵動力。


In the academic history of Taiwan archaeology, the intensity of theoretical and intellectual foundation is almost based on the commencement during the Japanese occupation. Japanese occupation constructed the academic tradition from the comprehensive researches and survey. After Japanese’s governance, the archaeology department in Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica continued the efforts and had succeeded in founding new academic approaches and discipline of Taiwan archaeology. By the period, the institute began surveying and excavating various sites around Taiwan, and one of these important sites is the Tamalin site. The different thread of thought about Tamalin site came from the excavations during the different period of time, and all these different thread of thought demonstrate that how to comprehend and interpret the prehistoric ways of life on Tamalin site, moreover the Neolithic cultures in Pu-li Basins. Therefore, in the first part of my work, it will be discussed with all these different researches in presentation and interpretation of Tamalin site during the transitional procedure of Japanese occupation to the Institute of History and Philology. By analyzing and reconstructing the two period’s archaeology materials of Tamalin sites, I tried to sort out the significance components of the prehistoric cultures in Tamalin site. Beyond the discussion of the first part, the second part of my article will be supported by the knowledge from practicing and observation in Tamalin sites excavation, by participating in the excavation carried out in 2008; to analyze the artifacts’ features and laboratory data of Tamalin site excavation 2008, it established the understanding about the regional interaction between sites of Ying-p'u culture and Tamalin site. Furthermore, after several times of excavation, all these rational interpretations of the character of Tamalin site should be debated on one issue which is how we can approach to ways of life in Tamalin site and in what dimension that Neolithic people’s interaction within the regional-scale environment. That would be what I try to figure out by accomplishing my study.


1953 臺灣大馬璘遺址發掘簡報。國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊1:13-15。
1986 中央研究院歷史語言研究所專刊之八十九:大馬璘。臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所。
