  • 學位論文


Changing Mutual Cooperation of Rural Households: Case Study of Social Capital in a Village in Northern Shan State, Myanmar

指導教授 : 陳佩修


過去十年,特別是緬甸的2011年政治經濟改革以來,其經濟發展與貿易額大為提升,與中國的貿易額更增加至數倍。這種經濟增長對緬甸比較偏僻的地區,如:北撣邦,同樣也產生影響。 本研究著重於觀察受此經濟發展急遽變化下北撣邦地區農民在地生計的衝擊。尤其具體分析農村家庭可用資源與資本的變化。其中,農民大量種植現金作物─雜交玉米以提高收入的做法是而今農村層級產生經濟與社會變遷的主要驅動力。 本質化個案地點位於緬甸中部與中國之主要道路旁之一示範村落;並以深度訪談、焦點團體訪談與直接觀察進行研究。 近期之現代化與貨幣化過程,對農村家戶之可用資源具有相當大的影響。在家戶或村莊層級,自然資本都不斷在減少中。物質資本及金融資本不斷增加,但是家戶間的不均衡現象也同時迅速擴張。家戶與村落層級之認知社會資本(Cognitive social capital)仍相當高,不過因為貧富懸殊擴大而具有一定的風險。結構社會資本(Structural social capital)則更加的制度化,即便傳統的勞動力相互交換在農業商業化和農村家戶參與現代化過程中依然是重要的資本。


農村生計 現代化 變遷 社會資本 農業組織 撣邦 緬甸


During the last decade, and particularly after the political and economic reforms which started 2011, the economic development in Burma/Myanmar accelerated considerably. Particularly the trade with China has grown exponentially. This economic growth has also affected more remote regions of the country, like the Northern Shan State. The study analyses on the micro level the impact of these extremely fast and profound changes to the livelihood of farmers in Northern Shan State. One specific aspect, the available assets, or forms of capital, of the rural households and their role in achieving the livelihood of the households, is at the center of this research. The qualitative case-study is focusing on an exemplary village close to the main road connecting central Burma/Myanmar with China. The methods employed were in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and direct observation. The main driver of the economic and social changes at the village level is presently the rapid spread of hybrid maize growing for cash-income. This profound monetization and modernization process, which pace and scope is unprecedented, has considerable effects on the assets of the rural households. Natural capital is diminishing or at risk. Material and financial capital are increasing. At the same time inequality on the household level is increasing. Cognitive social capital is still high, both on household and village level, but at risk, among other things through increased wealth disparity. Structural social capital is becoming more institutionalized, while traditional mutual labor exchange has been adapted to the commercializing agricultural system and is still an essential asset of local peasants for sustaininig their participation in the modernization process.


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