  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Learning Styles and Self-Directed Learning Readiness of College Students with Hearing Loss

指導教授 : 賴弘基


本研究旨在探討大專成人聽障學生之學習風格與自我導向學習傾向關係之研究,主要研究目的有四: (一)、探討大專成人聽障學生的學習風格的情況。 (二)、探討大專成人聽障學生的自我導向學習傾向的情況。 (三)、瞭解不同背景變項大專成人聽障學生在學習風格與自我導向學習傾向的差異情形。 (四)、瞭解大專成人聽障學生學習風格與自我導向學習傾向之間的相關性。 本研究主要採用問卷調查法,以2018年在學之大專成人聽障學生為研究對象。先由文獻資料蒐集加以探討與分析,再由本研究修定之「大專成人聽障學生之學習風格與自我導向學習傾向問卷」作為研究調查工具,正式問卷調查共回收有效問卷145份。問卷所得資料以SPSS 18 統計套裝軟體進行統計分析,以信度分析、描述性統計、單因子變異數分析及 皮爾遜Pearson 積差相關等統計方法處理。 茲將本研究所得的研究結論說明如下: 一、大專成人聽障學生之學習風格表現良好程度,其中在「適應型」構面最高。 二、大專成人聽障學生之自我導向學習傾向表現良好程度,其中在「喜愛學習」構面最高。 三、影響大專成人聽障學生之學習風格的個人背景因素,包括學院別、年級。 四、影響大專成人聽障學生之自我導向學習傾向的個人背景因素,包括聽障程度、年級。 五、大專成人聽障學生之學習風格與自我導向學習傾向具正相關。


A study on the relationship between learning styles and self-directed learning readiness of college students with hearing loss. The objectives of this study has fourfold: (1) Discuss the learning style of adult hearing loss college students. (2) Discuss the situation of self-directed learning tendency of college students with adult hearing loss. (3) Understand the differences in learning styles and self-directed learning tendencies of adult hearing loss students of college students with different background variables. (4) Understand the correlation between the learning style and self-directed learning tendency of college students with adult hearing loss. This research mainly adopts the questionnaire survey method, taking adult hearing loss students who participated in college in 2018 as the research object. Firstly, the literature collection was used to explore and analyze past studies. " The study of learning styles and self-directed learning tendency in college students with hearing loss." was revised as a research tool. A total of 145 valid questionnaires were collected from the survey. The data obtained from the questionnaire were statistically analyzed by SPSS 18 statistical software package, and processed by realizability analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, and Pearson product moment correlation. The research conclusions obtained in this study are explained as follows: 1. The learning style of adult hearing-impaired students is good, and the “adaptive” style is the highest. 2. The self-directed learning tendency of adult hearing-impaired students is good, and the dimension of “love of learning” is the highest. 3. The personal background factors affecting the learning style of adult hearing-impaired students, including off-campus, grades. 4. The personal background factors affecting the self-directed learning readiness of adult hearing loss students, including hearing impairment, grades. 5. The learning style and self-directed learning readiness of adult hearing loss students are positively correlated.


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