  • 學位論文


Language Empowerment and Situation Improvement of Southeast Asian Migrant Workers-A Study on Taoyuan Migrant Workers Academy

指導教授 : 林開忠


本研究主要探討東南亞移工在台透過語言學習,可以達到的增能效果與處境的改善。綜觀過去的研究,增能的目的是要讓受壓迫者產生覺醒,透過識字學習產生改變的力量,因此識字教育被視為增能的方式之一,能夠提升個人、人際、社會層面之效果。因此,本研究共10位受訪者分別來自越南、泰國、印尼、菲律賓,分析其學習中文後的增能效果與處境改善。研究結果顯示,移工中文學習後產生的處境改善為:個人能力提升工作效能提高、獨立解決生活問題、自我信心的建立、人際交友圈的拓展、從被幫助到幫助別人。 移工中文學習後的增能效果,可達到個人層面增能效果,讓受訪者產生自信並感受到他人的尊重、個人能力的提升、具備解決問題的能力;人際層面增能效果,受訪者過去在台灣的交友圈較為窄小,透過參與中文班開拓人際關係,與他人互動時達到有效溝通,勇敢表達自己心中的想法與感受;社會層面增能效果,中文課堂中教師啟發移工思辨的能力和將移工相關議題融入學習中,讓移工了解自身權益與保障,或是透過社會行動改變現有移工的社會與環境,但是並非所有受訪者皆能達到社會層面產生社會行動之效果,研究發現原因為以下,移工必須具有基本的中文聽、說的能力後,才能夠對於環境有一定的掌控能力、移工休假日不固定,即使想參與社會行動,但礙於假日時需要加班只能作罷、曾經受到仲介威脅,在台灣參與抗爭活動會影響下次留台的工作機會、在台工作時的工作經驗,並沒有受到不公平待遇,因此參與社會行動並不迫切。


增能 移工學苑 處境改善


The research mainly explores how Southeast Asian migrant workers can enhance their ability and improve their situation after learning Manda-rin in Taiwan. According to previous researches, the purpose of empow-erment is to awaken persons who were/are oppressed. Through acquiring literacy entitles them power to change, literacy education is thus regarded as one of the ways of empowerment in the levels of personal, interperson-al, and social. Ten interviewees of this research are from Vietnam, Thai-land, Indonesia, and the Philippines. This research analyzes the language empowerment and situation improvement of the interviewees in Taoyuan Migrant Worker Academy. The results of this research show that migrant worker learners did improve their situations as follows: Firstly, their per-sonal ability and work efficiency get significant progress. Secondly, they can deal with their own everyday problems independently. Thirdly, their self-confidence increase. Fourthly, they can expand the scope of their in-terpersonal friendship. Finally, they gradually change from the role of get-ting others help to being able to help others. After attending the Academy’s classes, the migrant worker learners achieve the following empowering effects. First of all there is the personal aspect, that is they gain self-confidence and feel others’ respect, improve-ment of their personal abilities, as well as the ability to solve personal problems. Then, in terms of interpersonal aspect, the respondents made more friends while they are in Taiwan. It shows that they expand their in-terpersonal relationships, develop effective communication by interacting with others, and confidently express their thoughts and feelings while at-tending Academy’s Mandarin courses. Last but not the least, there is the social aspect to be examined in this research. In the Mandarin courses, teachers inspire migrant workers’ thinking skills and immerse their related social issues into the curriculum in order to let them understanding their rights and protections. Through these they are inculcated with the idea of changing their current social and environmental issues through social ac-tions. But actually, not all respondents can achieve this social goal by ef-fective social action. Reasons behind this are as follows: Firstly, migrant workers must have basic listening and speaking skills in order to get cer-tain control over the environment. Secondly, holidays for most migrant workers are not fixed. Even if they want to participate in social actions, they can only give up due to the need to work overtime during holidays. Thirdly, some were threatened by agents that it will affect their chance of working in Taiwan if they participate in protest activities. Finally, many workers think that they never received unfair treatment, and feel no need to have any social change.


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