  • 學位論文


A Web-Based Object-Oriented Annotation System for English Compositions Correction

指導教授 : 張克寧


近年來隨著網際網路的快速發達與英語能力的備受重視,電腦輔助英語教學也受益於越來越多的多媒體技術整合而邁向了一個新紀元。傳統的英語教學教材錄製需耗費許多人力,如攝影機或錄音器材架設及後製工作。製作過程更要使用笨重及不易操作的硬體設備。而隨著電腦及其週邊器材的普及化,現今的教學教材已用專業的軟體來製作,大幅簡化錄製過程。然而,現今的專業教材製作軟體雖可提供多元化的教材編輯工具,製作出高質量的教材,但操作者需具備相當的電腦操作能力,這對非資訊背景出身的教材編輯人員是一道難以跨越的門檻。此外,大部份錄製及編輯軟體為了保證教材的畫質,其檔案也相當地大,而不利於在網頁上瀏覽。   有鑑於此,我們開發一套多媒體系統,希望能在英語寫作及學習上提供不同的教學方法與感受。有別於傳統靜態網頁的教材呈現方式,我們以自行開發的ActiveX錄音元件將老師批改文章時的講解過程完整的記錄下來。除了老師的講解聲音外,我們也記錄了批改過程中的講解動作並提供批改符號。學生在播放教材時,系統會將老師原始的批閱過程動態地呈現,學生所看到的將會是具有自動導覽特性的視聽教材。我們相信,老師的口語解說與動態的導覽可使寫作指導過程更加清楚地呈現於學生面前,並藉此提高學生的學習效率與寫作能力。


With the ubiquity of the Internet and the importance of the English ability, many multimedia technologies are integrated for computer-aided English teaching and learning. Traditionally, it takes much manpower to produce English teaching materials. Nowadays much software provides diverse useful material-producing tools for editors, simplifying the traditional procedure of making teaching materials. However, most professional software is too complex to operate for editors who are not specialized in computer science, and produces materials which are too large to be well-browsed on the web page. Accordingly, we devise a multimedia annotation system which provides diverse presentations different from traditional static web pages. We record instructors’ cursor activities as well as their voice comments. At the presentation stage, the recorded documents offer audiovisual features to activate the lecturing presentation. We believe that the narration and guidance make the lecture more comprehensive for learners. The approach is helpful for increasing learners’ learning efficiency and raising their writing ability.


[Actx] ActiveX in Wikipedia. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activex.
[Ajax] Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. What is AJAX? See: http://www.ajax.org/.
[Cruz94] Cruz, G., and Hill, R. (1994). Capturing and Playing Multimedia Events with STREAMS. In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, San Francisco, CA, USA, 193-200.
[Datta01] Datta, A., and Ottmann, T. (2001). Towards a Virtual University. Journal of University Computer Science, 7(10), 870-885.
[Farkas95] Farkas, D.K., and Poltrock, S.E. (1995). Online editing, mark-up models and the workplace lives of editors and writers. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 38(2), 110-117.


