  • 學位論文


The Development and Challenge of Australia’s Asia-Pacific Policy after Cold War: An Integration of Geopolitics and Geoeconomics

指導教授 : 李文志


2005年12月14日澳洲參與第1屆東亞高峰會運作,是為亞太政策上之一大突破,克服過去有意參與東協加三運作時部分東協國家的阻礙,提升在亞太地緣政治經濟結構中之影響力。回顧澳洲建國至今的發展,共歷經3階段世界觀的轉變。首先,1901年澳洲脫離大英帝國獨立,為穩定國內社會秩序施行白澳政策。由於殖民時期的歷史文化淵源,致使澳洲雖成為獨立國卻依舊十分仰賴英國;此外在英國的憲政制度下澳洲尚未取得國格,同時澳洲獨立後亦具有英國抗衡日本崛起之戰略意義。第一次世界大戰結束後,澳洲的國家意識逐漸萌芽,並參與國際組織展開獨立自主的外交政策,歷經1929年的世界經濟大蕭條與第二次世界大戰後,進入冷戰的第2階段。   冷戰期間澳洲被納入美國全球反共戰略,亦參與英國主導的可倫坡計劃,建立起與亞太地區之關係,同時也理解其與亞太地區之地緣結構關係;其中,美國的亞太戰略奠定澳洲的地緣政治基礎,並受到1968年英國從蘇伊士運河撤軍以及1969年美國亦從越南撤兵之影響,更促進澳洲積極佈局其地緣政治戰略。另一方面,英國參與歐洲共同體也刺激澳洲地緣經濟觀點的發展,在進入1970年代後邁入第3階段。在第3階段中,澳洲首先面臨到國內的政黨輪替,加上外在局勢的變遷,工黨的積極作為奠定冷戰後亞太政策之雛形,無論在政治軍事或經濟貿易上均以亞太地緣結構當作考量,其中亞太經貿政策更在1980年代中因1970年代2次石油危機影響而更為開放,亦使得亞洲化成為不可抵擋之趨勢。   冷戰結束後,總理基廷延續前總理霍克的亞太政策(北進政策)主軸,積極運作亞太經濟合作會議、五國防禦協定、東協區域論壇,更表示澳洲的對外政策即是亞太政策;然而基廷並未能解決國內經濟困境,於1996年由霍華德接任總理結束工黨13年的執政。霍華德上任後立即修正亞太政策,改以亞洲優先而非亞洲唯一策略,且因為美國霸權之確立、東亞金融危機、東帝汶獨立與911恐怖事件等,均更確立亞洲優先而非亞洲唯一之政策方向。進入21世紀後,恐怖主義與東亞高峰會的發展確立美國與東協分別在亞太安全政策與亞太經貿政策中的地位,不過卻也同時讓長期以來隱藏在澳洲亞太政策中的國家認同難題浮現出來。


As Australia joined 1st East Asia Summit at 2005, there is a great breakthrough. It not only overcame that some of ASEAN State rejected Australia’s willing to “ASEAN plus three”, but also help Australia raise her affect in the structure of Asia-Pacific Geopolitics and Geoeconomics. Recalling the historical development of Australia, there are three stages within her world view shift. First of all, after the Independent in 1901, Australia performed the “white Australia policy” to stabilize social condition. Because of the kinship of colonization period, Australia still relied on United Kingdom. Beside, Australia also have not obtained the nationality, and had a strategical purpose to check and balance to Japan. After WWI, here came a state conscious for Australia, and Australia also joined to international institution starting her diplomacy policy. Then, the world view moved forward into 2nd stage. Australia was not only subsumed into United State’s counter Communism strategy, but executed the Colombo Plan leading by United Kingdom. It helped to build a relationship between Australia and Asia-Pacific area, and enforce Australia to realize the relations with Asia-Pacific geography structure. In another word, the Asia-Pacific strategy of United State settled down the base of Australia’s geopolitics policy. Furthermore, since United Kingdom and United State withdrew their troops in 1968 and 1969, it encouraged Australia to arrange her geopolitics strategy. On the other hand, the geoeconomics strategy was encouraged by United Kingdom that joined to Europe Community. Then on the 3rd stage, there is a political switch internally and a great transition externally, therefore the conduct of Labor Party established the model of Asia-Pacific policy after cold war. The key point of policy aspect always depended on geography structure of Asia-Pacific weather military policy or foreign trade policy. After the cold war, Prime Minister Keating kept Hawke’s Asia-Pacific policy, toward North policy, participated to APEC, FPDA, and ARF positively, and indicated that Australia’s foreign policy is Asia-Pacific. However, Keating cannot solve economic predicament, and resulted to Howard’s replacement. At the time Howard took up, he change policy in to “Asia first but not Asia only”. Nowadays, the role of United State and ASEAN in Australia’s Asia-Pacific policy is established by development of terrorism and East Asia Summit. Nevertheless, Australia’s national identity dilemma is also appeared.


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