  • 學位論文


Liang Shu-ming:His Transformation and Practice of Confucianism

指導教授 : 高大威


摘要 本文的研究主旨在探討梁漱溟獨到的儒學特質及抱持的文化理論,從中檢視其文化理論的矛盾與缺失及社會改造運動的落實情況與內在阻礙,進而詳究其事功之成敗。 文凡六章,各章大要如下:第一章:緒論。說明研究動機及價值,並陳述研究方法與論述架構,且介紹中西學界已有的研究成果。第二章:背景分析。本章從梁漱溟的家世與所受教育明其學問與個性由來;從其早年思想的轉變歷程,明其關懷傳統、發揚儒家學說之故;從其政治生涯窺探其救國熱忱與不屈之精神。第三章:梁漱溟儒學思想之特質與取捨。梁氏的儒學本質經常游移於保守、調和之間,且融合佛教思維,故以其詮釋孔、孟思想為發端,詳究其思想的內在核心,並藉此探究其對中國問題的解決依據。第四章:中西文化的思維進路。本章首論梁漱溟文化觀形成的時代背景;再解析其文化哲學基點,並探討其調和中、西文化的成效與缺失,藉此呈現梁漱溟保守主義的思想特色及對傳統文化的解構與結構。第五章:鄉村建設運動與中國問題的解決之道。鄉村建設理論與鄉村建設運動是梁漱溟呈現踐屢篤實精神的最佳依據,亦是梁氏烏托邦思維的最佳寫照,故以剖析梁氏鄉村建設理論為進路,說明其原理,藉此檢視其致用論的缺失及內在困境,並窺探其失敗的主因。第六章:結論。析論梁漱溟整體的思想理論,並重新檢討其事功的成敗,最後予以應有的時代意義與歷史評價。


Abstract The purpose of this dissertation is to explore Shu-Ming Liang’s unique Confucian characteristics and the cultural theory he hung on, and to view the implementation and the internal barrier of the social transformation. Further, in this dissertation, it shows Mr. Liang’s sober Confucian spirit and tries to find directions for traditional and modern Chinese academics. There are six chapters: Chapter One, Introduction, explains my motivation and the value of this research, describes the research mechanisms, and introduces the existing research results. Chapter Two, Back Ground Analysis, tells Shu-Ming Liang’s personalities and knowledge from his pedigree and education. From the transformation of his thoughts at his early age, the reasons of his care about traditions and his promotion of Confucianism are showed; from his political career, his persevering patriotism is presented. Chapter Three, The Characteristics of Liang’s Confucianism, displays the mixture of Buddhism, conservatism, and harmony in his philosophy, interpreting the outset and the core of Confucius’ and Mencius’ thoughts. Chapter Four, Thoughts from the East and the West, combines the time back ground and the basis of Liang’s philosophy and discusses the cons and pros of the integration of the East and the West to manifest the distinguishing features of Liang’s philosophy. Chapter Five, the Solution of Rural Construction Movement and China Problem, describes Liang’s sober Confucianism and reflects Utopianism the best to show the reasons of his failure to apply the theory. Chapter Six, Conclusion, sums up Liang’s overall thoughts, and grants them historical meaning and values.




